Taste of India in shanghai英文文献资料.pdf

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上海的印度美食 Tastes of India in Shanghai Consulate General of India, Shanghai 印度驻上海总领事馆 Contents 目录 Introduction 简介 3 Food for Thought 食物的哲学 5 Spices - The Soul of Indian Cuisine 香料-印度美食的灵魂 10 Food Map of India 印度美食地图 15 Enjoying Indian Food 享受印度美食 22 Indian Breads 印度面饼 30 Chutneys Pickles 蘸酱及酱菜 33 Tea 茶 36 Wine 葡萄酒 40 Indian Restaurants in Shanghai 上海的印度餐厅 43 Five Star Hotels having 供应印度菜的 77 Indian Section in their Menu 五星级酒店 Recipes 菜谱 87 Introduction 简介 Hot, spicy, curry, tandoori… Are these the words that come to your mind when you think of Indian food?Then think again. A country with more than 400 languages,, home to all the major religions of the world and vast regional diversity—it is difficult to label the flavours of India, let alone its cuisine.The climate, the culture, the people, their customs, their beliefs—all combine to create what is usually called Indian cuis


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