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23 12 2006 12
:1006 - 9348(2006)12 - 0239 - 05
陈勇,黄席樾, 杨尚罡
(, 400044 )
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:TP182 :A
Research and Developm ent ofAutom otive Collision Avoidance System
CHEN Y ong, HUAGN X i - yue, YANG Sh ng - g ng
(N vig tion Gu id nce L b, Au tom tion College, Chongq ing University, Chongqing 400044, Ch in )
AB STRACT:W ith the developm en t of utom otive industry, the speed of u tom otive ism ore nd m ore h igher nd
l ne tr ffic ccident h s becom e soci l prob lem ll over thew orld. Am ong the cciden ts, collision ccounts for
80%. A s resu l,t the rese rch of utom otive collision void nce h s becom e w orldw ide subject. In this p per,
the princip le of Au tom otive Collision Avoid nce System (ACAS) is n lyzed. Then, the p rinciples,
ch r cteristics nd fl w s of the ex isting ACA Ss both t hom e nd b ro d re n lyzed, su ch s supersonic -
A CA S, r d r - ACA S, l ser - ACA S, m ch ine vision - A CA S, infr red - A CA S nd in ter ctive in telligent -
A CA S. A t l s,t the inheren t fl w s of the ex isting technologies re summ rized nd the developm ent trend ofACA S
is p roposed.
KEYW ORDS:Au tomotive;Collision void nce;W rn ing system;Secure tr vel
1 , 80%,
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2005 1 14 : 2004 :
567, 753 , 99, 2 17 , 451, 810 1,
, 27. 7。 , 。
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