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哈姆雷特to be or not to be译文:
If thou beest he; But O how falln! how changdFrom him, who in the happy Realms of Light [ 85 ]Clothd with transcendent brightness didst out-shineMyriads though bright: If he Whom mutual league,United thoughts and counsels, equal hopeAnd hazard in the Glorious Enterprize,Joynd with me once, now misery hath joynd [ 90 ]In equal ruin: into what Pit thou seestFrom what highth falln, so much the stronger provdHe with his Thunder: and till then who knewThe force of those dire Arms? yet not for those,Nor what the Potent Victor in his rage [ 95 ]Can else inflict, do I repent or change,Though changd in outward lustre; that fixt mindAnd high disdain, from sence of injurd merit,That with the mightiest raisd me to contend,And to the fierce contention brought along [ 100 ]Innumerable force of Spirits armdThat durst dislike his reign, and me preferring,His utmost power with adverse power opposdIn dubious Battel on the Plains of Heavn,And shook his throne. What though the field be lost? [ 105 ]All is not lost; the unconquerable Will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield:And what is else not to be overcome?That Glory never shall his wrath or might [ 110 ]Extort from me. To bow and sue for graceWith suppliant knee, and deifie his power,Who from the terrour of this Arm so lateDoubted his Empi
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