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S03E025077 陶江 美资fi色家电企业惠而浦的中国营销策略研究 S03E025077 陶江 美资fi色家电企业惠而浦的中国营销策略研究 770457 10246 学 号:S03E025077 A 系 (所) 专 业 姓 名 工作单位 指导教师 完成曰斯 硕士学位论文 美资由色彖电企惠而浦的中国營销策略耐t 管理学院 髙级管理人员工商管理 江 上海惠尔捕水他有限公司 陆雄文教授 2004年12月1日 勿全义i;?布 Abstract Chinas rapid economic development into the world stage and the revitalized economic strength has lifted China as an economic powen China has emerged from virtual isolation to become the emerging world market. As Chinas national per capita income level continues to rise and the enormous potential of the Chinese consumer market; specifically the Chinese household appliance market; can no longer be ignored by the leaders of multinational household appliance manufactures. The world number one household appliance manufacture - Whirlpool United States of America, along with other European, Korean and Japanese manufactures, all are fighting for a piece of the Chinese consumer dollar, the market entiy ranging from direct investment, partnership with a local manufacture, etc. Yet with sufficient capital, advanced manufacturing technology, management know-how, and labor cost advantage is no guarantee for success in the China market. Over the years, competition among domestic and multinational household appliance manufactures continue to intensify, a step by step complete makeover, altering the landscape of the white household appliance market in China, making competition the name of the game. As the competition deepenspricing pressure of every linkage from manufacturing to consumer market is compressedmaking it almost not possible to compete based on pricing only. How to establish core competitive advantage has become the topic for every domestic and multinational white household appliance manufactures. With Whirlpool United States of Americas returning to the China market, the topic of this masters thesis is to explore the possible successful strategic direction for Whirlpool China in conjunction with the EMBA curriculums theorem applied. The directions to


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