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阿马整理 1 Week 2 Of Envy by Francis Bacon 难度:★★★★★ 一、结构总结 1-2 开头-嫉妒的介绍 1)何种人最易嫉人 2)何种人最易受嫉;以及公妒与私妒有何分别 3-9 招人嫉妒者 无德者必会嫉妒有道德的人 多事好问之人每善嫉 贵族中人对新进之人当其腾达之时常露嫉妒之情 残疾之人、宦官、老人与私生子均善妒 经过大祸与不幸而再起的人也富于嫉妒心 那些因其轻薄和自负而想在各方面都胜过他人者亦常嫉妒 近亲、同事、与同养之人,最容易在平辈腾达的时候嫉妒他们 10-12 不易被人嫉妒者 首先,有大德者步入老年后较少遭人嫉妒 那些一直把自己的显赫与辛劳、焦虑或风险连在一起的人较少成为嫉妒的对象 13-14 总阶段落 15-17 公妒和私妒 公妒优点 主要针对的人群 18 总结 重点词汇清单(注:paraphrase简洁易懂即可) 例如: para.1-5 fascinate迷住 to attract or interest sb bewitch 迷住 to attract or impress sb vehement 强烈的 showing very strong feelings inquisitive 好打听的 asking too many questions, especially about secret things malevolence 恶意 having or showing a desire to harm other people calamities 灾祸 an event that causes great damage para.6-10 redemption 赎回;拯救the act of saving ; the act of redeeming levity 轻浮behavior that shows a lack of respect for sth serious upbraid斥责 to criticize sb for they have done something wrong vile 卑劣 morally bad malignant 恶意的 sb that is cruel and like to cause harm liberality 慷慨 the quality of being generous para.11-18 bemoan 诉苦express sorrow or dissatisfaction eminence 显赫;卓越 the quality of being famous and respected insolent 傲慢无礼的 extremely rude and showing a lack of respect peril 危机 serious danger importune纠缠to ask sb for sth many times and in a way that is annoying depraved 堕落的 morally bad 句子翻译 (注:连续的3-5句为一小段,找出考试比较可能考的小段) para.3 A man that hath no virtue in himself, ever envieth virtue in others. For men’s minds will either feed upon(滋养) their own good or upon others’ evil; and who wanteth(缺少) the one will prey upon(陷害) the other; and whoso is out of hope to attain to another’s virtue, will seek to come at even hand(求得平衡 ) by depressing another’s fortune. (翻译吧!) 无德者必会嫉妒有道德的人。因为人的心灵如若不能从自身的优点中取得养料,就必定要找别人的缺点作为养料。而嫉妒者往往是自己既没有优点,又看不到别人的优点的,因此他只能用败坏别人幸福的办法来安慰自己。当一个人自身缺乏某种美德的时候,他就一定贬低别人的这种美德,以求实现两者的平衡。 para.4 A man that is busy and inquisitive(好打听的) is commonly envious. For to know much of other men’s matters cannot be because all that ado(无谓的忙乱) may concern his own estate; th


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