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周一3-4节作业 Homework: Read Baggios Story and write a 500-800 word review(回顾,写评论), which should include an introduction, summary, critic, and recommendation(推荐,建议). The students need to take notes while reading and the notes should be about their opinion, reaction, and interpretation(翻译) of the story. Evaluation: 5 points for the written language, including grammar, coherence(连贯性), organization ; 2 points for the note taking; 3 points for oral presentation(口头报告): based on accuracy, fluency and clearness and timing( each student is supposed to speak at least 2 minutes). 书面的务必在5月18日前交给老师。 Baggios Story By Charlie Fish I would like to be a philosopher(哲学家). ???? Well, anyone who has said the word Why can argue that he is a philosopher, so I want to be more than that. I want to be remembered as a philosopher. ???? One day soon I will be dead. People will look back(回顾) at my life, and they might say I was a martial artist(武术家); for I have earned a seventh dan black belt (in both karate(空手道) and judo(柔道)). They might say I was a musician; for I have composed (作曲)successful operas(歌剧) (in three different languages). They might say I was a footballer; for I used to represent(代表) Italy (and scored twenty-seven goals for my country during my career). ???? But above all(首先,最重要的), they will say, he was a great philosopher. ???? The difference between a hobby and greatness is total immersion(专心), to the sacrifice of all else. I must devote my entire life to this pursuit; I must give up absolutely everything for this cause. ???? I assumed(假设) that giving up my material wealth(重要的财富) would be the easiest part of this quest(追求), but it is proving not to be straightforward(最简单的). ???? Yesterday, I hired a removal van(搬家卡车) and packed(包装) it with all of my possessions, leaving my house utterly(完全空的) bare. I drove out(赶走,逐出) to the public common and unpacked the van there, laying(放置) every item(条款,项目) out upon the grass. ???? I labelled(贴上标签) my bank cards with the rele


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