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PAGE PAGE 23 摘要 20世纪,随着计算机科学的发展,数据库技术在Internet 中的应用越来越广泛,为广大网络用户提供了更加周到和人性化的服务。个性化已逐渐成为当今Web应用的潮流。本文研究了一种基于数据关联规则采集技术的用户个性化页面动态生成方案,此方案与现今网上已采用的一些方案相比,具有用户使用更简单、反映用户更明显细致等优点。 本网站利用Internet网络电子商务新技术,采用JSP /JDBC网络数据库解决方案,实现了基于B/S模式的电子商务管理。凭借web服务器和客户的浏览器,利用电子工具高效率、低成本的特点,为客户提供交易平台,在Internet上发布商业信息,商品广告,使用户可以查阅商品、有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站商品、订购商品,为客户提供全天候的、更好、更快的商务活动空间,实现网上交易的基本功能。网站依据目前商业网站的设计原则,以网上交易功能为主,辅以娱乐、广告、导购等功能,是一个综合性电子商务网站。 全文共分六部分。第一部分为绪论;第二部分为开发技术和工具的介绍;第三部分主要是网站系统分析;第四部分主要是网站的功能设计;第五部分主要是网站数据库设计;第六部分进一步得出结论并提出具有现实意义的意见和建议。 关键词 电子商务,网站,数据库,JSP/JDBC Abstract Along with the development of the computer science in 20 centuries, the database technique is more and more extensive in the application in the Internet, providing the more thoughtful and humanized service for the large network customer. Characteristic have already become gradually the current as the application of Web nowadays. This text studied a kind of project which composed of characteristic page and dynamic state of technical customer according to the data connection rule, compared with some projects that adopt already on present nets, this project have the advantage of making customers use more simple and reflect them more obviously meticulous and so on. This website electronic commerce management based on B/S mode utilizing new technology of Internet electronic commerce and resolve of JSP/JDBC network database. It provides client with transaction platform, issues business information and products advertisements in order that clients can conveniently order goods depending on B/S pattern, taking order advantage of electronic tools characteristic of high efficiency and low cast. To offers whole day, better more quick room of activities to realize the basis functions of transaction in Internet. the Web, according to the current design principles of business Web, gives first place to transaction function in Internet, secondly to entertainment, advertisement, leading shopping and so on, it is a synthesis electronic commerc


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