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PAGE16 / NUMPAGES16 二、情景对话 1 P:Hello.police station,can I help you?你好,警察局,您需要帮忙吗? F:Yes. I am calling to report a missing credit card.是的,我丢失了信用卡要报警。 P: What is the card number, miss?卡号是多少,女士? F: Oh, I do not remember.噢,我不记的了。 P: What is your name and address?那么您的姓名和地址呢? F: Janet Carlson,1275Hasting Street,Vancouver,Canada.我叫珍妮特,卡尔森,住在加拿大温哥华市豪斯廷大街1275号, P: Sorry! I do not catch what you said, would you speak slowly again?抱歉,您能说的慢一些吗,我没听清。 F: Yes, my name is Janet Carlson, J-a-n-e-t C-a-r-l-s-o-n.好吧,我的名字是珍妮特,卡尔森。 P:I get it, you are not American citizen, are you?我记住了,你不是美国公民,是吗? F: No, I am a Canadian. Does that matter?不,我是加拿大人,这有什么关系吗? P: Oh, no, no. Did you say your card was lost or stolen?哦,没什么,你刚才说你的信用卡丢失还是被盗了? F: Stolen. I left my purse, on the counter in the department store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.被盗了,在商店试衣间试衣服时,我把皮包放在柜台上。 P: When did you discover it was stolen?你什么时候发现被盗了? F:I did not discover that until I went to pay. 直到付钱时我还没发现, Do you think there is anything you could do? 您能帮我做些什么吗? Someone maybe charging things to my credit this very minute.也许有人正在用我的信用卡付帐呢。 P: You do not need to worry, Miss Carlson, 别担心,卡尔森小姐, once we get your card number, your card will be invalidated all over the world within 30 seconds simply by informing the terminal.我们一得到你的信用卡号码就会通知银行,30秒内你的信用卡就会在全世界范围内失效。 F: Oh, I am so relieved to hear that. Thank you very much.That is all right.那太好了。 2 P: Hello. can I help you?你好,我能帮你什么忙吗? F: Hello. My house has been burglarized.是的,我家被盗了。 P: What is your name and address, madam?留下你的名字和地址好吗,夫人? F: It is No.28 88,28th fLoor the Worldtrade center, FuDong Street, and this is Mary. Green.我是玛莉。格林,我的地址是府东街世界贸易中心,28层,2888号房间。 P: Oh, madam, when did that happen?哦,夫人,能讲一下经过吗? F: This morning. I went to sleep and forgot to lock the window and a burglar came in the window and cleaned us out.今天早上起床后,我忘记关窗户,小偷从窗户近来并洗劫了我们。 P: What is your mean clean out?把您怎么了? F:I mean he took everything of any value: money, watches, TV, DVD, everyth


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