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电影《焦裕禄》The film “Jiao Yulu”
峨嵋电影制片厂刚拍完了一部片名为《焦裕禄》的故事片, 歌颂了二十七年前以身殉职的一位品格高尚的县委书记。
The E Mei Film Studio has just produced a feature film entitledJiao Yulu in praise of a noble-minded county secretary who died at his post 27 years ago.
大多数中国人是在1966年才从新闻报道中听到焦裕禄其人的, 那时他已经离开人世两年。
Most Chinese first heard of Jiao Yulu when they read about him in a news report in 1966 two years after his death.
焦裕禄于1962年12月至1964年5月在河南的一个贫困地区兰考县任县委书记, 为那里的人们做了许多好事。他死于癌症, 终年只有42岁。
Jiao served as a party secretary in Laokao County, Henan Province, a poor area, from Dec. 1962 to May 1964. He performed many good deeds for the people there. He died of cancer only at the age of 42.
电影从焦裕禄1962年去兰考县就任书记一职展开。头上戴着破帽子, 身上穿着补缀过的旧军装的焦裕禄, 从火车站风风火火地向显政府大楼赶去, 一群衣衫褴褛的男孩在路上拦住了他, 向他要吃的, 他将随身带着的馍馍都掏给了自己的“子民”。
The film begins with Jiaos taking office as a party secretary in Laokao in 1962. Wearing a worn-out cap and a patched uniform, Jiao hurries from the railway station to the county government building. On the way he is stopped by a group of ragged boys asking him for food. He gives all his steamed-bread to his subjects.
兰考这个地方灾荒不断, 全县360,000人祖祖辈辈饱受风沙、土壤盐性化和水灾“三害”之苦。
The 360,000 people of Laokao county, a disaster-ridden area, have suffered from the three evils: sand storm, soil salification and floods for many generations.
1962年又是一个饥荒年, 乡亲们不得不离乡背井, 流落他乡, 沿门求乞。焦裕禄正是在这时被派到兰考的。
The year 1962 witnesses another famine. Folks there have to leave their homes in order to beg a living from door to door elsewhere. It is at this time that Jiao is sent to the county。
在焦裕禄的领导下, 兰考人们开始同“三害”作斗争, 他们采取的一个有效措施是在沙土上种植易生长的泡桐树。
Led by Jiao Yulu, the Lankao people begin to struggle with the three evils. One of the effective measures they take is to plant paulownia trees which grow easily in sandy soil.
电影特写了焦裕禄帮助当地农民, 特别是那些处于困境的农民的场面。
The film features many moving scenes in which Jiao helps the local peasants, especially those who are in an extremely difficult situation.
工作过度的焦裕禄最后患了不治之症, 并于1
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