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* 句子是文章的生命线,在内容适合的情况下,若句子写好了,文章就出彩了。因此,在写对句子的前提下有意识地写好句子非常重要。 1.用高级形式的简单句 (1)在简单句中尝试使用“with+宾语(+宾补)”结构。 With so much work filling my mind, I almost break down. 脑子里有这么多的功课,我几乎崩溃了。 如何让你的文章文采飞扬 With the development of agriculture and industry, the global warming is becoming more and more serious. 随着工农业的发展, 全球变暖的问题越来越严重了。 (2)在简单句中尝试使用非谓语动词。 Our head teacher is enthusiastic about working, helping us release our academic pressure. 我们的班主任对工作热情,帮助我们缓解学业压力。 (3)在简单句中尝试使用形容词作宾语补足语。 She made me happy from extreme depression to optimism. 她让我开心起来,由极为消沉变得乐观。 2.用高级形式的并列句 (1)尝试使用“祈使句+ and you’ll do…”句型。 Our monitor encouraged me, saying: “Use your head, and you’ll have a good idea.” 班长鼓励我说:“动动脑筋,你就会有办法的。” (2) 尝试使用并列宾语从句。 The teacher said (that) we should develop both physically and mentally and that we should do well both academically and socially. 老师说我们应该身心全面发展,还说我们应该学习好, 和同学相处好。 有意识使地用“but, while, or , otherwise”等。 3.主从复合句 考生应该有意识地使用各种主从复合句。包括名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句。强烈推荐使用以what开头的主语从句、同位语从句、表语从句、非限定性定语从句、让步状语从句。 (1)名词性从句。 What we should realize is that successful English learners are very active during the lectures. 我们应该意识到的是成功的英语学习者上课是很主动的。(主语从句和表语从句) There’s no doubt that the school uniform should be designed to make the students look young and energetic because no one likes to wear clothes with out-of –date designs。毫无疑问校服的设计应该让同学们看起来富有青春活力, 因为没有人喜欢穿设计过时的服装。(同位语从句) We put forward a suggestion that we should use as fewer plastic bags as possible and avoid buying unnecessary things. 我们提出的建议是尽量少用塑料袋和避免买不必要的东西。(同位语从句) (2)非限定性定语从句。 Private tutoring has a lot of advantages, among which releasing the children’s academic pressure is the most important point. 家教有一些好处,其中帮助孩子缓解学业压力是最重要的一点。(非限定性定语从句) There are many websites, from where you can find almost all the necessary information. 有许多网址, 从那里你能够找到几乎所有必要信息。(非限定性定语从句) As we all know, the cause of insomnia is complicated as well as various. 众所周知,失眠的原因复杂而多样。(另类的定语从句) (3)推荐使用状语从句。 Having had a heart-to-heart chat with my mom, I realiz


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