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①My mother always gets a bit anxious if we don’t arrive when we say we will.如果我们不能在我们所说的时间到达,母亲总是有点焦虑。 ②(牛津P75) She was anxious to finish school and get a job. 她渴望毕业找份工作。 ③I felt anxious /was anxious his safety when I heard the news of the train accident. 当我听到火车事故的消息时,我很担心他的安全。 ④(牛津P75) If you are worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. 你要是担心自己的健康,就把自己的忧虑告诉医生吧。 about about [跟踪训练] Ⅰ.完成句子 1.Small business owners ________________ (惶恐不安)over whether they will survive. 2.Buying a train ticket two days ahead of time will usually ___________________________(保证你有个好座位). 3.We must ________________________(任命一位新老师)at once to the mountain school. are in a panic guarantee you a good seat appoint a new teacher 4.It is reported that there are plenty of graduates ________________(渴求工作). 5.It’s still________________(在保修期内),so the company will have it repaired. 6.—How about eight o’clock outside the cinema? —That________(适合)me fine. anxious for work under guarantee suits Ⅱ.单项填空 1.It is obvious that the hopes, goals, fears and desires________ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor. A.transform B.strengthen C.transfer D.vary 解析:选D。句意:很明显男人和女人,富人和穷人在希望、目标、恐惧和欲望方面有很大的不同。vary between...and...由……到……的情况不等。transform“使改观,使变形; 使转化”;strengthen“(使)变强,加强;使更坚固”;transfer “转换”。 2.If you want to __________ in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are still young. A.make much of yourself B.make the way out C.make you out D.make your way 解析:选D。根据语境应是“如果你想成功”,故选D。make one’s way除了可表示“到(某地),(向某地)走去”之外,还可表示“成功;有出息”。make much of sb.“重视”;make sth.out“看清;辨认清楚”;make sb. out “看透;弄懂某人”. 3.Knowing that his brother is waiting for him at the station, he made his ________there immediately. A.way B.decision C.judge D.preparation 解析:选A。考查短语make one’s way。该短语意为“到某地;向某地走去”。句意:得知他的兄弟在车站等他,他立即前往那里。从题干中there一词可看出A项符合语境。 [短语精释] 1.make one’s way 前往;获得成功 (教材P35) It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to


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