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The Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽 第一幕 背景:王子的宫殿 人物:王子(the prince),随从A,随从B,女巫(the witch),旁白(the narrator) 背景灯关,旁白上。 旁白:Good evening, I am the narrator. Tonight I will lead you to enjoy a wonderful story—the beauty and the beast. (鞠躬,退到舞台旁。背景灯亮,显示宫殿背景。) 旁白:Once upon a time, there is a prince living in a castle. (恢宏的音乐响起,王子带着两个随从上) (音乐声停) 王子(高傲的):I am handsome, I am rich, I am the owner of the most beautiful castle and garden in the world! (女巫化做丑妇上) 女巫(凄苦的样子):It’s raining heavily outside! My dear prince, please let me stay in your castle until the rain ends! 王子(厌恶的后退几步):How ugly how dirty a thing it is! I won’t let such a thing stay in my beautiful castle! Get out of here!! (随从上前驱赶女巫,女巫轻松挣开,向王子施法) 女巫:Oh, proud prince, you will pay for what you have done to me!! (杂乱的音乐,王子变成野兽(戴上面具),随从被他的样子吓跑,离开舞台。女巫大笑离开舞台) 王子:What happen? Why are they running away? (看到镜子中自己的样子,震惊) 王子:What!!! Oh, that can not be me!!!(狂乱的奔下舞台) 背景灯关,工作人员更换下一幕背景。 旁白:So the handsome prince was turned into an ugly beast. Every day he waits in his castle for someone can love him truly as he was to save him from the witch’s curse(诅咒)。 第二幕: 背景:商人的家 人物:美女父亲(father),美女大姐,美女二姐,美女(beauty) 旁白:Now not far away from the prince’s castle live a merchant and his three daughters 美女大姐上场:I love nothing better than beautiful dresses in this world! (在镜子前面看自己的衣服) 美女二姐上场:In my opinion, jewel is the most wonderful thing in the world! (坐在沙发上摆弄首饰) 美女上(捧着鲜花):How beautiful the flowers are! I will use them to decorate the house! 美女大姐(厌恶的):Oh, you play in the garden again! Look at your dress, its dirty! 美女二姐(嘲弄的):I can’t believe you really are my sister! (抢过美女的花扔掉) 美女:My flowers! (捡起被丢掉的花) 父亲上。 父亲:oh, what happen, my dear? 众女上前:Good morning, daddy! 父亲:I am going to the town to do some business. I hope you take care of our house and look after each other when I am out. 大女(兴奋的):And when you come back you will bring us presents, won’t you? 二女(兴奋的):How wonderful! You must bring us presents! 父:Well, well. What do you want, then? 大女:Bring m


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