【ACCA paper F4】无敌课件,解释超详细(PartF1).ppt

【ACCA paper F4】无敌课件,解释超详细(PartF1).ppt

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19 company directors and other company officers 1 the role of directors 董事的定义;关键在于实质上的职权,而不是称呼如何。 De facto director 事实董事(未经公司正式任命,但实际发挥了董事的职能,以董事的身份行事) 1.1 shadow director 虽无董事之名,但实际控制董事会的人. 公司法对“影子董事”或“隐名董事”(表面上看并不具有董事的正式任命)的行为多有约束,以防止其滥用权利且规避其法律责任,要求其应承担普通董事应承担的某些义务,但只是以专业人士身份(如会计师和律师)提供建议的则不在此限。 实践中,如果董事会被控股股东、有担保的债权人或银行等金融机构实际控制,董事会根据这些人的指示或指令而履行职责的话,那么这些人构成隐名董事。 company directors and other company officers “影子董事”与“事实董事”(de facto director )的意义在于,他们应受到特定的法律规定的约束(如关于重大财产交易、借贷等方面的义务)。 1.2 alternate director 替补董事 代替一不能出席董事会会议的董事参加会议;可由另一名董事或第三人担任;任命替补董事的办法可由公司的Articles规定;替补董事同样适用公司法有关普通董事的规定。 company directors and other company officers 1.3 executive director 常务董事 指依据某项雇佣合同,承担特定职责的全职董事(e.g. finance director),他经常参与(可能每日参与)公司的日常管理。他一般可从公司处获得报酬。 They have two distinct positions as (a) a member of the board of director; (b) as an employee of company. 可能会形成利害冲突。 1.4 non-executive director 非常务董事;不参加公司的日常管理而只是出席董事会会议;通常被任命为非常务董事的人是某些特定领域的专家或知名人物。 company directors and other company officers 1.5 the managing director执行董事;由董事会任命,具有宽泛权限,实际上对公司的日常运作和发展负责的人。 The role of a Managing Director (MD) is to design, develop and implement the strategic plan for their company in the most cost effective and time efficient manner. The Managing director is responsible for both the day-to-day running of the company and developing business plans for the long term future of the organization. The Managing director is accountable to the board and the shareholders of the company. company directors and other company officers It is the board that grants the Managing Director the authority to run the company. 1.8 number of directors 董事的数量 1.7 the board of directors 2 Appointment of directors 2.1 Appointment of first directors 由发起人任命 2.2 Appointment of subsequent directors 由股东大会或董事会任命(如填补因董事辞职、被取消资格、免职或死亡而产生的空缺,其任期一般到下次股东大会止) 2.3 publicity 信息披露;除公布首批董事的姓名外,公司还应在14天内向注册官通报公司董事的任何变化。 company directors and other company officers 2.4 age limit 年龄限制 3 remuneration of directors 董事的报酬 3.1 directors’ e



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