70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 50.doc

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70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 50   近义词词组同义词Day 50   review/ v.   She was left one week to review her lessons.   猜一猜 A. 复习B. 预习C. 浏览D. 准备   翻译她只剩一星期复习功课。   联想记忆前缀re重复,词根view“看,观察”。反复的看即为复习   词义扩展 n. ① 回顾,复习After a careful review of the past year, she decided to retire from her position. 仔细对过去一年做了一番回顾后,她决定退休。② 评论He was deeply hurt at the review of his latest novel. 对他的必威体育精装版小说的评价深深伤害了他。   revolve/ v.   There is something wrong for the bike for the wheels fail to revolve when in motion.   猜一猜 A. 旋转B. 启动C. 运转D. 滑动   翻译自行车有点毛病,因为轮子不转动。   联想记忆前缀re反复,词根volve“转动”。反复转动即旋转。   同义词 spin, rotate   rise/raiz/ v.   The smoke rose from that direction.   猜一猜 A. 蔓延B. 升起C. 飘荡D. 熄灭   翻译烟雾是从那个方向升起来的。   联想记忆   词根rise“升起”   同义词 raise   词义扩展 v. ① 起立,起床He rose to fetch the refreshments for the guests.他起身为客人端水果糕点。 ② 上涨,增高In those years the cost of living has kept on rising. 在那些年里,生活费用不停地上涨。 ③ 起义,奋起The Hebrews rose in rebellion against Egyptian federals. 希伯来人起义反抗埃及法老。   n. ① 上涨,增高The rise and fall of the temperature owes to the wind. 温度的升高和降低是风造成的。 ② 起源,发生The divorce often has its rise in quarrels about trivias. 离婚通常是为琐事的争吵而引发的。   词组 give rise to 引起,使发生,造成The great depression gave rise to the widespread unemployment.经济大萧条造成大面积的失业。   rival/ n.   He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power.   猜一猜 A. 朋友B. 支持者C. 对手D. 选手   翻译在这场权力的野蛮争夺中他战胜了他的对手。   词义扩展 v. 竞争,对抗Cassette recorders can not rival the sound quality of CDs. 卡带在音质上竞争不过CD。   a. 竞争的They are rival in study.他们在学习上是竞争对手。   同义词 opponent, adversary   robber/n.   Well furnished robbers broke into a bank through a hole in the vault.   猜一猜 A. 警察B. 暴民C. 强盗D. 流浪汉   翻译全副武装的强盗从金库的一个洞闯入银行。   联想记忆rob“抢劫”,b字母重复,er名词后缀,表示人。   robbery/ n.   He was sentenced to five years for robbery with violence.猜一猜 A. 谋杀B. 贿赂C. 诈骗D. 抢劫   翻译他因暴力抢劫而被判五年监禁。   联想记忆   rob“抢劫”,b字母重复,ery名词后缀。   rock/ n.   The hills above the valley are bare rocks.   猜一猜 A. 草地 B. 果树 C. 泥土 D. 石块,岩石   翻译山谷上面的山上只是一些岩石。   联想记忆   词根rock “岩石”   词义扩展 v. 摇,动摇Her body rocked from side to side to the sway o


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