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第3章 常用的翻译方法与技巧(二) 3.1 主语从句的翻译 知识目标: 1.了解主语从句的定义及其特点。 2.掌握英语翻译过程中主语从句的翻译技巧。 能力目标: 3. 能够熟知主语从句的几种翻译技巧。 4. 能够根据主语从句特点及翻译技巧进行句 子的翻译。 一般情况下,英语中的主语从句翻译成汉语时,一般可按原文顺序翻译,放在汉语句子的前部;也可视具体情况,采用较灵活的方式,将主语从句放在汉语句子的后部。 1.前置法 以what, whatever, whoever, whether, when, where, how, why等词引导的主语从句,在翻译的时候,一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译,放在汉语句子的开头。 (What he told me) was only half-truth. 他所告诉我的事情仅仅真假参半。 (Whatever he saw and heard on his trip) gave him a very deep impression. 此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。 (Whoever comes to our public reference library) will be welcome. 什么人到我们公共参考图书馆来都受欢迎。 (Whether she would play the part) is still doubtful. 她是否会扮演这个角色还值得怀疑。 (When we can begin the expedition) is still a question. 我们何时才能开始这次考察仍然是悬而未决。 (Where he has surpassed every other composer) is in his ballads. 他超过其他作曲家之处是在歌谣方面。 (How she passed the exam) is a miracle 她是怎么考试及格的简直是奇迹。 (Why these Chinses antique are in a British museum) is an important part of our story today. 这些中国古董为什么保存在英国博物馆内是我们今天所讲故事的重要内容。 1. Whatever measures we adopt must be in conformity with the need of the four moderization. 无论我们采取什么措施,都要符合四个现代化的需要。 2. What he told me was only half-truth. 他告诉我的事情仅仅真假参半。 3. They have definitely decided to pay a visit to China, but when they are to do so hasn’t been made clear yet. 他们已确定要访问中国,何时成行尚未说明。 4. Who he is doesn’t concern me. 他是谁与我无关。 5. That we should be late is certain. 我们将迟到是确定无疑的。 6. Because you have words with your wife is no reason to smash up things. 你和妻子吵架并不能成为你摔打东西的理由。 7. How the prisoner escape is a complete mystery. 囚犯如何逃脱完全是个谜。 8. Where he has surpassed every other writer is in his ballads and songs. 他胜过其他作家之处在于民歌与民谣。 9. Whoever makes my dauthter laugh shall marry her. 谁要是能把我女儿逗乐了,就可以娶她为妻。 10. Wherever we did or did not choose to carry them was up to us. 我们想不想带他们,由我们自己决定。 11. That those who had learned from us now excelled us was a real challenge. 向我们学习的人反倒超越了我们,这对我们确实是场挑战。 12. What has happene


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