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外包服务介绍 Outsourcing Services Presentation 上海逸伟嘉信企业管理咨询有限公司 EAE Solution Co., Ltd. 服务总述 Services Summary 技术支援服务 Technical Support Service 外判工程师服务 Helpdesk Engineer Service 硬件维修保养服务 Hardware Maintenance Service 所有服务都包含免费的电话支持,合约期内不限次数. All Services included free telephone support, unlimited call in the contract period. 技术支援服务 Technical Support Service 硬件方面: Hardware: 路由器(Router), 防火墙(Firewall), 集线器(Switch/Hub), 交换机(PABX), 服务器(Server), 笔记本(Laptop), 台式机(Desktop), 打印机(Printer), 扫描仪(Scanner). 指硬件设备的故障检测和简单功能的设置,使用培训方面的服务. Service included hardware problem check and simple function setting, user training. 软件方面: Software: 操作系统(Windows), 邮件系统(Exchange/Notes),办公软件(Office/Acrobat), 防毒软件(Norton),等等(……). 指常用软件的使用技术支持,和网络共享,查杀病毒等方面的服务. Service included application troubleshooting and net share, Virus scan and kill. 服务范围: Scope of Service: 服务方式: Service Mode: 服务单位的服务 Token Service 合约期内购买一定数量的上门服务单位,使用中依次递减. Purchase some tokens service, On site service tokens are charged by deducting the service tokens from the contract amount. 包年的服务 Unlimited Service 需要服务的电脑设备,每台每月收取相应的服务费用,以年为最小服务期,提供不限次数的上门 服务. For service of equipment, fee will be charged in per unit per month, the minimal service period is one year, unlimited on site service. 服务监测: Service View: 服务流程 Service Flow 客户提出服务要求?公司服务主管派单?工程师服务响应?销售跟进服务进度?问题解决 Customer Service Call?Service supervisor correspond?Engineer service response ?Sales follow up service schedule?completed 服务报告 Service Report 服务报告单,有对当次服务内容的说明,工程师服务态度的评定,改善意见等. Service Report, included explain the service, assess engineer’s service, advice, etc. 服务汇总报告书,有对已使用的服务单位的记录,问题分析,简单问题解决方法的介绍等. Service Report Summary, included note service tokens had used, problem analysis, introduce of trouble shooting for easy problem, etc. 常驻工程师服务 Helpdesk Engineer Service 服务范围: Scope of service: 低端服务 Popularly Service 电脑及网络周边设备的硬件问题检


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