Vitatron C-series A3内部培训资料演示文稿.ppt

Vitatron C-series A3内部培训资料演示文稿.ppt

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Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * Summarizing the slides on the Therapy Advisor ? The diagnostics in the C-series have a multi-layer structure. On the top-level, we have the Therapy Advisor that translates all diagnostic data into meaningful messages during follow-up. The Therapy Advisor takes into account clinical data, technical data and pacemaker settings. When possible, messages are accompanied by details on the source(s) and (re-)programming suggestions. The lower layers of basic ‘conventional’ diagnostics can be used to check and verify. For troubleshooting purposes, conventional diagnostics are enhanced and new diagnostics available. ? The benefit of the Therapy Advisor is that it allows an easy, efficient and effective follow-up. By saving time and unnecessary efforts for the physician the Therapy Advisor is an important tool. Vitatron_C-EGM Education Slide Source * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vitatron C-series A3 内部培训资料 培训资料 重点是 C-系列 和 C70 DR 的定位 技术内容已在 CA1/CA2/TA1 培训材料中涉及 提供相关科技出版物和文件的信息 注:有些幻灯片仅供内部使用! 这些幻灯片有下列标志: 如需使用其它幻灯,请根据情况自行判断 对客户的讲解我们强烈建议使用Customer Powerpoint FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 90% 的植入是因为 AV阻滞和/或窦房结功能不良 5


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