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建筑功能分布 Building Function Distribution 环境保护策略 Environment Strategy 交通规划 Transportation Plan 绿色交通规划 Green Transportation Plan 绿色交通规划 Green Transportation Plan 文化走廊 Culture Corridor 酒店\度假村规划 Hotel \Resort Plan 生态水系统规划 Eco Water System 旅游规划 Tourism Plan _Propose the regional tourism corridor along the railway line _ Propose the tourism route to connect the site to the other spot in Wuyuan, _The site become the Hub for Wuyuan _沿铁路线规划区域旅游走廊 _规划基地到婺源各景点的旅游线路 _基地成为婺源的旅游服务设施的中心 旅游项目规划 Tourism Program 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program The Hub- Waterfront commercial and Recreation _The Hub will be developed at the north area of the essential district, a series of resemble Huai-styled architectures will be developed as the central tourist precinct that mixes retail, cultural and entertainment facilities in a relaxed pedestrian environment. 小镇“枢纽” – 滨水休闲商业中心 _本提案中精华区北侧将规划为小镇“枢纽”,由一系列的新徽式建筑将被开发为集零售、文化、娱乐设施于一体的休闲旅游区域 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program Eco Agriculture _This precinct would act as a focus for sustainable agriculture in the region. For cole flower and other agriculture 生态农业 _生态农业区位于月亮湾东北侧。 该区域将重点发展油菜花及其他农作物 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program Forest Retreat _Slow life as lifestyle tourism, renewal existing village buildings as Artist Village. Wellness centres and spa resorts would provide facilities and services such as spas, yoga, tai chi, massage. 森林休闲区 _在林间休闲区提供一种”慢生活”为卖点的旅游,改建现有特色民居为艺术家创作村.另外,开发设置理疗中心和水疗区。康复中心将为游客提供如中国传统理疗、瑜伽、太极、按摩、芳香按摩和健康饮食等一系列的设施和服务。 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program Wetland and Eco Centre _The establishment and management of a large native wetland habitat along the canal create a major tourist attraction in the region and provide a favorable backdrop for resort development in the area. 湿地及教育中心 _通过湿地的水生植物达到生态改善的效果,防止未来开发的小镇枢纽造成污染。这个提议将为该区域创建一个主要旅游亮点并为该区域的景点开发提供一个良好的背景。 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program Themed Villages _Retain and Develop village _Reprogram _Care-taker 主题村落 _保留及发展的村落 _改建的村落 _保留的农田看管者 旅游规划项目 Tourism Program Sanctuary Tea Te


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