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. . 1、对方的设备出了问题 The other sides equipment had problem 2、正在调试请稍等 Please wait for a moment, we are debugging the equipment 3、我去打个电话 I am sorry I have to make a telephone call 4、已经连接成功,所以不能改变 Because the connecting is success, so it cant to change. 5、是否还需要切换实物展台 Do you need to switch the visual presenter? 6、我临时有事,可以离开一下吗 Can I leave for a moment? 7、您的要拨的号码是多少 What is the telephone number you want to dial? 8、这个号码正确吗 Is it the right telephone number? 9、对方没有开设备 The other side doesn’t open the equipment. 10、实物展台坏了 The visual presenter is broken. 11、遥控器不好使 Remote control was broken. 12、这个会要开到几点 When the conference end? 13、这个网线的水晶头坏了 This net wire plug had broken. 14、我去机房 给你换个端口 I will go to the machine room to change a port for you. 15、遥控器电池没电了 The battery of the remote control has no electricity. 16、我们公司会派人过来检查 Our company will send someone to check it. 17、这个不在我们公司服务范围内,我马上与负责此事的公司联系 This is not our company’s responsibility, I will contact with the relative company. 18、麻烦你找一个翻译过来 Can you find a translator? 19、另一个网口有人用吗 Does anyone use the other net port? 20、网络是通的,是您的软件问题 The network is ok, your software have problem. 21、视频会议取消了吗 Does the video conference was cancelled? 22、只需要告诉我是或否 The only thing you need to do is tell me yes or no. 23、我是来负责维护视频会议的 I am take charge of the maintenance of the video conference. 24、你好,我是管理服务部的,来检查您的网络是否正常 I am come here to check you network is ok or not. 25、我需要改动下电脑设置可以吗 It is ok to change the setting of your computer? 26、吃饭时间到了,我可以先去吃饭吗 It is the lunch time, can I have a lunch? 27、下班时间到了,还需要我帮助吗,如果不需要我先离开了 It is the time to go off work, if you don’t need any help, I will go first. 28、能送我到管理服务部吗 Can you bring me to the Service Management? 29、再见,祝你工作愉快 Good bye, have a nice day! 30、视频会议已连接成功,可以开始了吗 The video conference has connected, can we start? 31、你没有权限 You don’t have the authority. 32、这个窗帘坏了,拉不上了 This curtain has broken. 33、这个麦克坏了 请用另一个 This microphone was broken, please use another one. 34、投影仪坏了无法切换 The projector too broke to switch. 35、电


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