英语人教版九年级全册Could you please tell me ......docx

英语人教版九年级全册Could you please tell me ......docx

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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? The Fourth Period Section B 2a–2e 安德学校:赵 华 课标分析:根据教材内容和学生实际确定下列教学目标: 一、理解掌握下列词汇:ask for, lend, park, direct, order, wonder, lead, trouble, offend, certain, structure, hand in, make requests, depend on, on the other hand, in a way. 二、理解并掌握以下句型: 1. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help politely. 2. We need to learn how to be polite when we ask for help. 3. The expressions they use might depend on whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other. 4. Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request. 教材分析:这是一篇阅读课,要求学生掌握一定的阅读技巧Skimming和 Scanning来完成 本节课的阅读任务,同时要求学生掌握不同文化下不同的询问技巧,学会在不同的环境下,使用合适的语言来礼貌地询问和准确地回答。学会礼貌待人,学会询问,创建和谐的人际关系。 学情分析: 这节课是在学生已经学过的一些语言基础上进行拓展的,学生对本章节感兴趣,学起来较容易,能够理解在不同环境下,不同的人与人之间有礼貌的提出请求。 教学设计: Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1)Discuss in groups: What’s the difference between their requests? Who is polite? Are their results same? (2)Discuss in groups: When do you need to make polite requests? How can we make polite requests? 2. Presentation(呈现新知识) Skimming 1) 快速阅读全文,回答: What is the main idea of the passage? A: What to do when you meet with difficulties. B: How to get along well with others. C: What to do when you fail. D: How to ask for help politely Scanning 1) 细读文章,回答下面的问题。 (1)What is important to know when you need to ask for information or help? (2)What might the expressions we use depend on? (3)What kind of questions are polite in English? (4)Is language etiquette as important as learning grammar or vocabulary? Why? 3. Work on 2c. Find all the direct questions and polite requests from the passage. 4. Work on 2d. Read the requests below. In the second column, write A if you would say it to someone you know and B if you would say it to a stranger. In the last column, write where you think these people are. 5. 同学们,我们每天都会遇到各种各样的情况,任选下面的一种情况,编一组你们之间的对话,并说出你们之间的关系。 A teenager wants to stay



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