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避免集體名詞 x女同志慘遭虐待致死(TXBS) 尊重性少數者,避免標籤化或污名化 避免集體名詞刻板印象,應避免使用「女同志」,若用「同性戀人」或「同性親密伴侶」較佳 避免集體名詞 X 外籍新娘集體賣淫 少用「外籍新娘」,改用新移民女性、新住民等尊重的用語 * * * * When patients report potential IPV thanking for trusting the provider and expressing concern about the patient’s safety asking the patient be connected to IPV advocacy services. legal assistance, counseling, shelter, or other services, offer the patient the National Domestic Violence hotline number When patients report potential IPV 4. consider whether child protective services are required 5. screen the patient for coexisting depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Use caution when prescribing sedatives, since the sedating action may diminish patients’ physical or mental ability to defend themselves When patients report potential IPV Providers should refrain from telling patients what they must do Only trained experts in IPV advocacy are qualified to help victims determine their own best course to safety Confidentiality Screen Negative Patients No force disclosure Simply being asked the questions may prompt the patient to reconsider whether relationship is healthy Handing palm cards to all patients and encouraging them to take one for a friend RADAR (F)- 發現 R: Remember to ask (記得去詢問) A: Ask directly(直接詢問) D: Document findings(紀錄發現) A: Assess for safety(評估安全性) R: review options, refer(全面考慮各種選擇、轉介) (F): Follow up(追蹤結果) 辨識潛在家庭暴力被害人的指標 1.對於自己的意外傷害原因交代不清 2.身體有多處傷害(包括瘀青、挫傷或燒傷) 3.前往門診時,伴侶或其他家人一定在旁陪伴,並主導談話 4.對伴侶感到畏懼與退縮 5.被害人刻意用衣服或其他物件來遮掩傷處 辨識潛在家庭暴力被害人的指標 6.容易受到驚嚇、易過度焦慮、沮喪與痛苦 7.經常因模糊不清的症狀而去求診 8.預約門診後又多次缺席 9.曾經有精神科門診、菸、酒與其他物質濫用病史 短期介入的效果 短期介入在親密伴侶暴力發現後: 增加支持服務的應用 (Krasnoff Moscati, 2000, McFarlane et al, 2000) 加強安全行為 (McFarlane et al, 2000) 減少身體虐待 (McFarlane et al, 2000) 危險評估 發展- 致死案件 評估與預防重大傷害 TIPVDA 1. 他曾對你有無法呼吸之暴力行為。 (如:□勒/掐脖子、□悶臉部、□按頭入水、□開瓦斯、或□其他 等) 2. 他對小孩有身體暴力行為(非指一般管教行為)。(假如你未有子女,請在此打勾 □) 3. 你懷孕的時候他曾經動手毆打過你。(假如你未曾懷孕,請在此打勾 □) TIPVDA 4. 他會拿刀或槍、或是其他武器、危險物品(如酒瓶、鐵器、棍棒、硫酸、汽油…等)威脅恐嚇你。 5. 他曾揚言或威脅要殺掉你。 6. 他有無說過像:「要分手、要離婚、或要聲


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