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我国商标相近似认定标准探讨 曹新明 内容提要:在商标法实施过程中,国家商标行政管理机关、司法审判机关以及商标实务工作者 遇到最棘手的问题之一是商标相近似的认定。为更好地实施商标法,国家商标行政管理机关和最高人 民法院分别制定了关于近似商标认定的标准,并且在各自的审查和审理实践中适用,让绝大多数涉及到 商标相近似认定的纠纷都得到了妥善解决。从法律层面讲,我国商标法使用了商标近似或者近似商标 的概念,因此,具体实践中,有关方面不仅需要检视争议商标与引证商标的构成要素是否相同或相近 似,而且需要检视使用争议商标的商品或者服务是否与使用引证商标的商品或者服务同种类,同时还 需要检视使用争议商标的商品或者服务与使用引证商标的商品或者服务在相关市场上是否造成混淆或 有混淆之虞。事实上,国家商标行政管理机关在商标注册申请程序与无效宣告程序中的商标相近似认 定标准与商标民事侵权诉讼中的商标相近似认定标准的存有差异。 关 键 词:商标 近似商标 综合认定 “三要素” Abstract: In the process of implementing the Trademark Law, one of the most difficult problems encountered by state trademark administrative organs, judicial organs and trademark practitioners is how to judge similar trademarks. In order to better implement the Trademark Law, the State Trademark Administration and the Supreme People’s Court have formulated standards for judging similar trademarks, which are applicable in their respective examination and trial practices, so that a vast majority of disputes related to judging approximate trademarks have been properly resolved. Legally speaking, the Chinese Trademark Law uses the concept of trademark approximation or similar trademark. Therefore, in practice, the parties concerned need not only to examine whether the elements of disputed trademark and quoted trademark are the same or similar, but also whether the goods or services using disputed trademark are the same as those using quoted trademark; meanwhile, they also need to examine whether the goods or services using disputed trademark are the same kind as those using quoted trademark. It is necessary to examine whether goods or services using disputed trademarks and goods, or services using quoted trademarks create confusion or risk of confusion in the relevant markets. As a matter of fact, the criteria for judging similar trademarks in the application procedure for trademark registration and the trademarks invalidation procedure is different from


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