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Figure 2. Effect of HOTAIR knockdown on tumor growth in vivo. Figure 3 HOTAIR is a target of miR-331-3P or miR-124 and controls miR-331-3p target Figure 4 HER2 was positively associated with up-regulated HOTAIR expression In summary Long noncoding RNA contribute to cancer cells proliferation and invasion both at transcriptinal and post-transcriptional levels. The factors that lead to the lncRNAs cell and tissue specifical and lncRNAs expression pattern and biological role in different cancers that is ot similar are still not well documented, Well studying of lncRNAs function and mechanisms whether could be a new chance to better understanding of the cancers development and progression. THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 * 由于mRNA在生命体中所起的承上启下的作用,因此很早就有针对mRNA水平开展研究的方法,传统方法主要是prc和northerblot,但这两种方法最大的缺陷在于它们一次只能针对一个基因开展研究,因此如果老师想针对整个基因组水平mRNA开展研究,而且如何知道这几万种基因中针对自己需要的开展研究无异是个大海捞针的工程,如若采用传统方法,费时费力,而且效率极低,在一切讲究效率的今天,我们完全可以采用一种普遍撒网,重点突破的方法针对mRNA开展研究,芯片技术的应运而生就为这样的一种设想提供极大的可能,相比传统方法,它最大的优势就在于芯片技术的高通量大大节省了时间和人力物力等资源,他可以同时在一张芯片上完成对于整个基因组几万个mRNA表达水平的研究,芯片就像是我们撒下去的网,一张芯片就可以捞起几万条小鱼,然后我们再可以根据几万种mRNA的表达水平的差异开展下一步的研究 advanced analysis * * * Second, long ncRNAs are likely to exhibit different patterns of conservation to protein-coding genes, which are subject to strict functional constraints and must preserve an ORF. By contrast, long ncRNAs can exhibit shorter stretches of sequence that are conserved to maintain functional domains and structures. Indeed, many long ncRNAs with a known function, such as Xist, only exhibit high conservation over short sections of their length14. * Figure 2 | Functions of long non-coding RnAs (ncRnAs). Illustrative mechanisms by which long ncRNAs regulate local protein-coding gene expression at the level of chromatin remodelling, transcriptional control and post-transcriptional processing. a | ncRNAs can recruit chromatin modifying complexes to specific genomic loci to impart their catalytic activity. In this case, the ncRNAs HOTAIR21, Xist and RepA


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