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査證發給申請書 APPLICATION FOR VISA 公馆申请番号: 1.姓 Surname 汉字姓名 2.名 Given Names 3.生年月日 Date of Birth Y年 M月 D日 4.性別 Sex □ M □ F 5.国籍 Nationality (民族) 6.出生地 Place of Birth 7.护照号码 Passport Number 8.种类 Classification 外交. 官用. 一般. 其他 DP OF OR 9.护照发给日 Date of Issue 10.发给地 Place of Issue 11.发给机关 Issuing Authority 12.到期日 Expiry Date 13.婚姻与否 Marital Status □ 已婚 married □ 未婚 single 14.配偶者姓名 Spouse’s Name 15.配偶者国籍 Spouse’s Nationality 16.职业 Occupation 17.公司名 及 地址 Name and Address of Present Employer 18.公司电话号码 Business Phone Number 19.入国目的 Purpose of Entry (Explain fully) 20.入国预定日 Probable Date of Entry 21.滞留预定时间 Desired Length of Stay 22.现住所 Home Address 电话号码 Phone No. 23.韩国国內 滞留地 Address in Korea 电话号码 Phone No. 24.访韩事实 Previous Visit(If Any) 25.过去 签证发给 与否 Have You Ever Been Issued a Korean Visa? □ Yes □ No ?? When? ??? Where? 签证种类 What Type of Visa 26. 过去 签证发给 不许与否 Have You Ever Been Refused a Korean Visa? □ Yes □ No ?? When? ??? Where? 签证种类 What Type of Visa 27.旅行费用支付者 Who Will Pay For Your Trip? 28.过去 签证取消与否 Has Your Korean Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked? □ Yes □ No 29.最近 5年间 旅行国家 Countries Where You Have Lived or Traveled During The Past 5 Years 30.同伴家族 Accompanying Family 国籍 Nationality 姓名 Name 性別 Sex 出生年月日 Date of Birth 31.韩国国內保证人联络处 Guarantor or Reference in Korea 姓名 Name 住所 Address 电话号码 Phone No. 关系 Relationship I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not


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