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屏東縣幼教人員對幼稚園評鑑看法之研究 A Study of Early Childhood Educators’ Opinions on Kindergarten Evaluation in Pingtung 研究生:羅育吟 Yu-Yin Luo 指導教授:吳雅玲 Ya-Ling Wu 【摘要】 本研究旨在探討屏東縣幼教人員對幼稚園評鑑之目的、委員、程序、方式、內容及結果看法,所採用之研究方法包含問卷調查法及訪談法。本研究以分層隨機抽樣方式對292位屏東縣立案幼稚園之幼教人員進行問卷調查,並對2位園長及6位教師進行訪談。本研究結論與建議如下: 一、結論 (一)幼稚園評鑑目的達成度高,仍有部份需改進。 (二)評鑑委員之專業受到肯定,遴選之方式需透明化。 (三)評鑑程序受到肯定,但訪視評鑑時間過短。 (四)評鑑方式有助幼稚園資料建檔,並瞭解園所之優缺點。 (五)評鑑內容分類得宜,但重覆性過高。 (六)評鑑結果有助園所招生。 二、建議 (一)建立完整幼稚園輔導制度,預提升幼兒教育品質,達到評鑑目的。 (二)評鑑委員遴選方式透明化,並聘請外縣市專業人士協助評鑑。 (三)重新審查評鑑內容,減少評鑑內容之重覆性。 (四)延長訪視評鑑時間。 (五)評鑑委員未來進行評鑑時可與教師、幼兒進行互動。 關鍵字:評鑑、幼稚園評鑑、屏東 【Abstract】 The purpose of this research is to explore early childhood educators’ opinions on kindergarten evaluation in pingtung. The study uses questionnaire survey, and interview to gather data. 292 questionnaires respondent,and 8 interviewers are the subjects. The conclusion and the suggestions of this research are as follows: Conclusion The subjects think the purpose of the kindergarten evaluation are highly achieved. The subjects approve the professionalism of the kindergarten evaluation members. The subjects approve the kindergarten evaluation procedures. The subjects think the ways of the kindergarten evaluation can help kindergartens make database and know themselves. The subjects approve the categorization of the kindergarten evaluation contents. The subjects think the results of the kindergarten advantage kindergarten to recruit students. Suggestions To create a complete kindergarten guidance system. To bring the selection of kindergarten evaluation members to light, and invite professionals from other cities to join the evaluation team. To re-evaluate the contents of the evaluation in order to reduce the overlap. To lengthen the evaluation time for the interviews and the evaluations. Members of the evaluation could interact with the kindergarten teachers and pupils when conducting future evaluations. Key words: Evaluation, Kindergarten Evaluation, Pingtung


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