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Character analysis — Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most famous and frightening female characters. When we first see her, she is already plotting Duncan’s murder, and she is stronger, more ruthless, and more ambitious than her husband. She seems fully aware of this and knows that she will have to push Macbeth into committing murder… Character analysis — Lady Macbeth This theme of the relationship between gender and power is key to Lady Macbeth’s character: her husband implies that she is a masculine soul inhabiting a female body, which seems to link masculinity to ambition and violence… Character analysis — Lady Macbeth These crafty women use female methods of achieving power—that is, manipulation(操纵)—to further their male ambitions. Women, the play implies, can be as ambitious and cruel as men, yet social constraints deny them the means to pursue these ambitions on their own. Character analysis — Lady Macbeth She instigates (教唆) Macbeth to kill King Duncan and steadies her husband’s nerves immediately after the crime. However, she gradually falls into madness. Lady Macbeth’s sensitivity and guilt become a weakness, and she is unable to cope and kills herself in the end. In the end 最毒妇人心 ! THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 可编辑 可编辑 Macbeth 《麦克白》 1、Background 2、Synopsis 3、 Central idea and Characters analysis Background 麦克白苏格兰王国国王: 在位时间:1040年---1057年 葬于:伊俄纳岛 麦克白(Macbeth,盖尔语(Gaelic) Mac Bethad mac Findlaich,1005年---1057年8月15日),是公元十一世纪欧洲苏格兰王国的国王在位17年。 麦克白是莫瑞地区的贵族,其母亲出生自苏格兰的王室,故而他也有王室血统和继承王位的可能。1020年,麦克白的父亲在战争中丧生,麦克白接管了莫瑞地区的势力。 1034年在位30年的马尔科姆(Malcolm)二世去世其外孙邓肯(Duncan)一世继位。 Background 邓肯一世统治的最后几年战争不断,与境外许多地方势力发生冲突,最开始没有反对邓肯一世继承权的麦克白逐渐产生不满。1040年,邓肯一世率领军队进入麦克白掌管的莫瑞地区,双方交战,邓肯一世被杀。 麦克白战胜邓肯一世后以王室后裔的身份继任苏格兰王国国王,国内有很多人不满意这次继位,但是他的统治也持续了17年。 Background 1052年后,麦克白经常与英格兰王国发生冲突,屡屡失利。1057年,邓肯一世之子马尔科姆为父报仇,马尔科姆在战场上杀死了麦克白。麦克白死后,卢拉赫继位,不久后被马尔科姆谋杀,此后马尔科姆三世继位。 麦克白这个历史人物之所以出名,主要是有大师莎士比亚的同名悲剧,不过在戏中,麦克白扮演的是谋权篡位的反面角色。 Brief synopsis of the play 1.chara


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