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合肥师范学院2012届本科生毕业论文(设计) PAGE 装订线 装 订 线 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:合肥美菱股份有限公司品牌规划现状分析 系 部 经济与管理学院 学科门类 经济学 专 业 国际经济与贸易 学 号 0806211121 姓 名 邢凌云 指导教师 熊凤水、朱晓莉 2012 年 5 月 20 日 合肥美菱股份有限公司品牌规划现状分析 摘 要 品牌规划是建立以塑造 强势品牌为核心的企业战略,将 品牌建设提升到企业经营战略的高度,其核心在于建立与众不同的 品牌识别,为品牌建设设立目标、方向、原则与指导策略,为日后的具体品牌建设战术与行为制定“宪法”。伴随着消费者强调个性需求的追求,市场日益转向多样化、细分化和复杂化,企业间的竞争也由质量竞争、技术竞争逐步转向服务竞争、品牌竞争,中国的消费市场已逐步从“商品消费”进入“品牌消费”。在“品牌消费”时代,企业能否培育出自有品牌,并塑造成知名品牌,将决定一个企业在市场上的竞争力,加强品牌规划与运营成为企业现代化和成熟程度的重要标志。 现阶段关于企业品牌规划的研究分析不断深入,但是,其分析研究还不够全面。应从企业品牌规划的基本理论出发,结合家电业的行业特点,对合肥美菱股份有限公司品牌规划的现状进行分析研究,从而找出公司在品牌规划方面存在的不足之处和问题以及对问题进行剖析以找出完善美菱公司在品牌规划方面的措施,为公司在品牌规划上的下一步发展明确方向。 关键词:品牌 品牌规划 品牌结构 ABSTRACT Brand planning is to establish the brand as the core of the enterprise strategy, will promote the brand construction to management strategy, its core is the establishment of out of the ordinary brand recognition, brand construction goal setting, orientation, principles and strategies for the future, specific brand building tactics and behavior of the formulation the constitution.Along with the consumer self and personality pursuit to the growing market demand, subdivision and complicated, the competition between the enterprise also by the scale of quality competition, technology competition gradually turned to service competition, brand competition, Chinese consumer market has gradually from the consumer goods into brand consumption. In brand consumption era, enterprises can produce its own brand, and create famous brand, decided an enterprise in the market competition ability, strengthens the brand plan and operation has become the time the request, becomes the enterprise modernization and the mature degree important symbol. The present stage of brand planning research deepening, however, its analysis is not comprehensive enough. This article from the basic theory of corporate brand planning, combined with the industry characteristics of household electrical appl


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