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长春工业大学学士学位毕业设计(论文) PAGE II 摘 要 四氢呋喃是一种重要的有机合成原料和溶剂,素有“万能溶剂”之美称,还是重要的医药中间体。由四氢呋喃合成的聚四氢呋喃(PTMEG),其主要用途是生产Spandex纤维(我国称氨纶)和聚氨酯弹性体,市场前景广泛。四氢呋喃主要由呋喃加氢所制。 本设计是年产1万吨呋喃加氢制四氢呋喃的工段工艺设计。重点对呋喃加氢进行了设计,具体包括该工段部分物料衡算、热量衡算、附属设备选型等工艺设计及主反应器的设计。以糠醛为原料制取呋喃,后加氢制四氢呋喃,此工艺可加强对玉米芯等农产品废弃物的利用,具有明显的经济意义。 此次设计绘制了呋喃反应器的装配图及工艺流程图。 关键词 呋喃加氢 四氢呋喃 设计 呋喃反应器 工艺流程 Abstract Tetrahydrofuran is an important raw materials and synthetic organic solvents, known as “Universal Solvent”, and it is also an important pharmaceutical intermediates. Synthesis of Poly THF from tetrahydrofuran and its main purpose is the production of Spandex fibers(called Spandex in China) and polyurethane elastomers, has broad market prospect. Tetrahydrofuran are mainly produced by the hydrogenation of furan. The design of process that the annual output of 10,000 tons of THF with liquid hydrogenation of Furan has discuss the principle of the production ,process and equipment. Focus on furan hydrogenate to THF for the design, including the entire section of the material balance, energy balance, selection of ancillary equipment such as process design and reactor. To furfural production from furans, this process can make use of such as corn and other agricultural waste-to-use. And this process has obvious economic significance. The design drawing a Reactor of furan and Section process map. Key word furan hydrogenation Tetrahydrofuran design furan reactor process 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 文献综述 - 1 - 1.1 论文选题意义 - 1 - 1.2 呋喃与四氢呋喃工业意义 - 2 - 1.2.1 呋喃与四氢呋喃简介 - 2 - 1.3 国内外研究及市场现状 - 2 - 1.4 四氢呋喃制备工艺的发展 - 5 - 1.4.1 糠醛法 - 5 - 1.4.2 Reppe法 - 6 - 1.4.3 丁二烯氯化工艺 - 7 - 1.4.4 丁二烯乙酰氧基化工艺 - 7 - 1.4.5 顺酐液相加氢 - 7 - 1.4.6 顺酐气相加氢 - 7 - 1.4.7 顺酐酯化低压加氢 - 8 - 第二章 装置及工艺流程说明 - 9 - 2.1 装置简介 - 9 - 2.2 工艺流程简图 - 10 - 2.3 工艺流程说明 - 10 - 2.3.1 呋喃单元、糠醛精制 - 10 - 2.3.2 呋喃精制 - 12 - 2.3.3 呋喃催化剂回收 - 12 - 2.3.4 糠醛回收和循环 - 13 - 2.3.5 一氧化碳(CO)分离/干燥


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