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初中语文口语交际教学策略的研究 中文摘要 “口语交际能力是现代公民的必备能力。”新课标明确提出,鉴于目前在中学语文教 学中,师生对口语交际能力培养的认识还远远不够,没有真正地把口语交际教学视为语文 教学课程必不可少的一部分。据我了解,在实际教学中,随意略去或者蜻蜓点水者不在少 数。本研究对古今中外的相关资料进行搜集分析,从中找到口语交际教学的有效途径和方 法。再结合时代特点、当前的教学实际、考试现状和学生学习、教师教学的实际情况,从 中指出口语交际教学的必要性和紧迫性。通过阅读理论资料与案例材料,结合一线的教学 实际,力争找到行之有效的口语交际教学方法和策略,让教师在教学中有章可循、有法可 依,昀终将口语交际教学的“课标”目标落实下去,提高学生的口语交际能力。 本研究既要关注理论更要为教学实际服务,所以拟采用资料分析法和案例分析法为 主,为了使研究更客观,还采用了教师学生问卷和访谈的形式。另外,结合我长期从事初 中语文教学的实践,力图深入思考自己在口语交际教学中的成功经验和不足之处,使课题 的研究更有针对性和实用性。 到互联网、核心期刊中查阅,关于口语交际教学的论文很多,而各大学图书馆,城市 图书馆中相关书籍也能够信手拈来。 不过理论阐述或者方法指导的多,真正能够落实到 中学课堂中,让教师免去“巧妇难为无米之炊”的教学困窘的成果实在不多。本研究主要 对现阶段初中口语交际教学的现状和学生的口语交际能力现状进行分析,在分析他人成果 的基础上,更侧重在教学实际应用的层面,找到切实可行、行之有效的方法与策略,处理 好语文的文化知识教学和口语交际教学的关系,促进口语交际教学在语文课程中对语文教 学的积极影响,昀终实现口语交际教学走进语文课程,走进师生共同学习中去。关键词:口语交际 情境 教学策略 评价ABSTRACT Oral communication capability is an essential capability for modern citizens. New Curriculum Standard clearly stated, in the current chinese language teaching in secondary schools, both the teachers and the students lack the awareners of the importmance of oral communicativethere is no real teaching that takes oral communication into consideration as an essential part in Chinese teaching curriculm. As far as I know,in actual teaching,quite a lot of teachers ignore the importance of it.This research aims to find the effective way and method of oral communicatian teaching by collecting and analyzing the relevant data,as well as to reveal the necessity and urgency of oral communication teaching combined with the characteristics of times current teaching situation,the status of the learning of students and the teaching of teachers. By analyzing the data and case material, combined with actual teaching practice, and strive to find effective oral communication teaching methods and strategies, so as to show the teachers the teaching rules to follow, and ultimately carry out the plan Oral Communication teaching and improve their oral communicative competence this study must not


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