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会议接待礼仪 PART 1会议接待礼仪 PART 2迎送宾客 PART 3外事交际中需注意的禁忌 另附: PART 4部分中国菜的英文译名 PART 5介绍中国特色 第一部分:会议接待礼仪 Meeting Reception Etiquettes 第一步:具体而完善的准备 The first step: to prepare specifically and comprehensively 1、必要的心理准备; the necessary mental preparation; 2、确保贵宾从入口进来后,能清楚知道接待处的位置; to ensure that guests know the location of the reception as soon as they come to the entrance; 3、整齐清洁; be clean and tidy; 4、借齐需要的小册子; related booklet of the meeting; 5、时钟及日历表; clock and calendar; 6、花瓶; vases; 7、安排好当天的工作程度表; work arrangements of that day; 8、你的服饰要整齐。 your clothing should be neat. 第二步:主动招呼来访者 The second step: to greet visitors initiatively 1、以愉快的心情向来访者打招呼。 1, to greet visitors warmly (1)必须站起来向到访者的人说声:“欢迎!” Stand up and say: Welcome! (2)中午十一点前可以说声:“早安!” You can say: Good morning! before 11 oclock (3)午后可以说一声:“你好!” Say: Hello! in the afternoon. 2、填写访客名册 fill out the visitor’s roster 询问对方是否事前已预约。 Ask the visitor whether appoint in advance. (2)礼貌地请他们签名,并请他们佩挂宾客名牌 。 Politely ask them to sign and adorn the brand-name of guests. 第三步:引领访客 The third step: lead the visitor 场所的不同,引领访客时的要点也不同: Different places different points: 1、走廊上:走在访客侧前方两至三步。当访客走在走廊的正中央时,你要走在走廊上的一旁。偶尔向后望,确认访客跟上;当转弯拐角时,要招呼一声说:“往这边走。” the corridor: Walking two to three steps in the front side of the visitors. When visitors walk in the middle of the corridor, you should walk along the side. Look backward occasionally to make sure visitors keeping up with you. You should say: This way, please at the turn. 2、楼梯上:先说一声:“在X楼。”然后开始引领访客到楼上。上楼时应该让访客先走,因为一般以为高的位置代表尊贵。 the staircase: You should primarily tell the visitors the destination on the X floor.”; and then lead the visitors to the upstairs. Make sure visitors go first, because the high position generally represents the distinguished status. 3、电梯内:首先,你要按动电梯的按钮,同时告诉访客目的地是在第几层。如果访客不只一个人,或者有很多公司内部的职员也要进入电梯,按着开启的掣,引领访客进入,然后再让公司内部职员进入。即是说访客先进入,以示尊重。离开电梯,则刚好相反,按着开启的掣,让宾客先出。如果你的上司也在时,让你的上司先出,然后你才步出。 elevator: First, you have to press the elevator button, and tell visitors the


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