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Miyazaki Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director, born on January 5, 1941 in Tokyo. The work of Miyazaki is glorious in my heart .The journalist commented that he was the legend of the Japanese animation industry, without him, the Japanese animation will be dull. Besides, he is the first animator who takes the animation one step further and broadens our horizon of animation. Each work of Miyazaki has different themes, but all the themes reflect a common meaning, the various dream, the environmental protection and life survival of the role in his animation representing the thinking of the society. 1.Laputa Castle in the Sky 天空之城 (1986) (box office: 500 million 83 million yen, the number of visitors: 774,271 people) (票房收入:5亿8300万日元,观众人数:77万4271人) Production: Tokuma 制作:德间书店 Original. Script. Supervisory / Miyazaki 原作.脚本.监督/宫崎骏 Producer / Takahata 制片/高畑 勋 Music / Joe Hisaishi 音乐/久石 让 Logo: One day ,a girl floated down from the sky。 宣传语:有一天,少女从天而降。 GHIBLI时期作品(1985—— ) 主题曲:伴随着你 The story takes place in an alternative universe where although the setting and the characters’ dress would suggest a rural time period , the existance of air ships that can carry thousands of passengers would prove it otherwise. The film opens high above the sky , where a small air ballon craft with a pirate symbol is looming over a gigantic air passenger ship . On signal , four mini-air crafts eject from the balloon craft and flap towards the passenger ship. 2.My Neighbor TOTORO龙猫(1988) box office: 500 million 88 millionyen, the number of visitors: 801,680 people 票房收入:5亿8800万日元,观众人数:80万1680人). Original name:原名とないのトトロ Production: Tokuma 制作:德间书店 Original. Script. Supervisory / Miyazaki原作.脚本.监督/宫崎骏 Supervising animator / Sato, Yoshiharu 作画监督/佐藤好春 Art / male and male deer美术/男鹿和雄 Logo: Perhaps this strange creature is still living in Japan.宣传语:这种奇怪的生物,说不定仍生活在日本。 GHIBLI时期作品(1985—— )


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