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What may come I will always be there. As I ha ve given you my hand to hold. So I give you my life to keep. So help me God. 我,请你,做我的妻子/丈夫,我生命中的伴侣和我唯一的爱人。 我将珍惜我们的友谊,爱你,不论是现在,将来,还是永远。 我会信任你,尊敬你, 我将和你一起欢笑,一起哭泣。 我会忠诚的爱着你, 无论未来是好的还是坏的,是艰难的还是安乐的,我都会陪你一起度过。 无论准备迎接什么样的生活,我都会一直守护在这里。 就像我伸出手让你紧握住一样, 我会将我的生命交付于你。 所以请帮助我 我的主。 * the reception A wedding reception is a party held after the completion of a marriage ceremony. The couple receives society, for the first time as spouses. It applies to any social events such as dinners, balls or tea to show hospitality to the guests. * Wedding cake Dances Toasts Tossing of the brides bouquet and garter propose a toast activities on the reception WESTERN WEDDINGS * Word List bride 新娘 groom/bridegroom 新郎 priest 牧师 bridesmaid 伴娘 best man 伴郎 bachelor 单身汉 spouse 配偶 wedded wife/husband 已结婚的妻子/丈夫 wedding vows 结婚誓词 bridal gown 结婚礼服(婚纱) veil 面纱 bouquet 捧花 ceremony 仪式 reception (仪式后)招待会 * traditional things Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue “旧”指新娘头上的白纱必须是母亲用过的旧纱,表示不忘父母的养育之恩。 “新”指新娘的白色婚礼服必须是新的,它是纯洁童贞的象征,也标志新娘将开始新的生活。 “借”指新娘手里拿的手帕必须是从女朋友那儿借来的,表示不忘朋友的友谊之情。 “蓝”指新娘身上披的缎带必须是蓝色的,表示新娘对爱情的忠贞之情。 * It should be worn on the ring finger, which is believed to be connected with the heart. It is something like that if the couple put the rings on their ring finger, they both put each other in their heart. Wedding rings: 食指--想结婚,表示未婚; 中指--已在恋爱中; 无名指--表示已经订婚或结婚; 小指--表示独身。 至于右手,在传统上也有一个手指戴戒指时是有意义的: 无名指。据说戴在这里,表示具有修女的心性。 喜戴在食指者,性格较偏激倔强。 喜戴在右中指者.崇尚中庸的人生观念。 喜戴在左中指者,有责任感,重视家庭。 喜戴在小手指者,有自卑感。 喜戴在无名指者,无野心,随和,较不计较得失 * Bridal gown: It is the white bridal gown that Queen Victoria wore when she married her sweet heart. After that, the white bridal gown won its fame all over the world. However, before that, any color is suitable to the wedding gown, even black, if it is beautiful. *


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