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摘 要 随着我国进出口贸易业务规模的不断扩大,外贸企业在进出口贸易结算中面临的风险也日益增多,我国多以信用证结算方式出口,所以信用证的风险防范不正确导致经济损失的实例屡有发生。因此重视信用证结算方式的研究,了解其存在的潜在的风险,熟练掌握并灵活的运用信用证结算方式,来防范出口结算的风险,对于每一个从事进出口贸易的企业都具有极其重要的意义。 论文首先介绍了国际贸易信用证结算的定义和特点,然后针对所研究的对象——中国粮食贸易公司出口结算的现状,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法,指出中国粮食贸易公司信用证结算中存在的主要风险,并从外部因素和企业自身管理两个角度来分析产生风险的原因,并对企业合理防范信用证结算风险提供相应的对策。 关键词 信用证 风险 防范 I Abstract As Chinas foreign trade continued to expand the scale of business, foreign trade enterprises in the import and export trade settlement in the face of increasing risks, many of Chinas exports to the letter of credit billing methods, letters of credit risk prevention does not lead to correct repeated examples of economic losses Have occurred. Therefore attention to the letter of credit clearing the way research, to understand the existence of the potential risks, mastering the master letters of credit and flexible billing methods, to prevent the opening of the settlement risk, for each import and export trade enterprises have an extremely important Significance. This paper first introduced the settlement of international trade letters of credit to the definition and characteristics of the next business on the import and export trade letters of credit risk clearing the way, and then against the target of the study - Chinas grain export trading company settled the status quo, using qualitative analysis And a combination of quantitative analysis method that Chinas grain trading companies in the major risks and external factors and their own management of risk both in terms of the cause. Chinas grain trading companies for export letters of credit settlement risk arising from reason, summing up the business of letters of credit and settlement risk prevention. Keyword Exporters letters credit risk prevention II 目 录 I Abstract ....................................................... II 第 1 章 绪论 ..................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ...................................................................................



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