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PAGE 本科毕业论文(设计) 选煤厂加压过滤机控制系统设计 所 在 学 院 信息科学技术学院 专 业 名 称 自动化 申请学士学位所属学科 工 学 年 级 2008级 摘要 PAGE 30 摘 要 大型、高效、耐用的选煤设备,已成为现代化煤矿产资源不可缺少的一部分。无论是炼焦煤还是动力煤,都必须进行洗选或筛分。加压过滤机实质上是一台圆盘式真空过滤机置于一个密封的圆筒状加压仓内,将过滤动力由真空改为压缩空气进行过滤的一种固液分离设备。在加压过滤机内部的落料部位下方有刮板输送机,在加压仓下部装有排料装置,需要过滤的煤水混合液由给料泵输送到加压仓内部的液体槽中,待槽内的液位达到设定值时开始启动主轴电机进行脱水作业。加压仓内部冲有一定压力的压缩空气,在滤盘上,通过分配阀与连通大气的汽水分离器形成压力差,于是在加压仓内部的压力作用下,槽体内的液体通过浸入煤水混合液中的过滤介质排除,而精煤颗粒则被收集到过滤介质表面形成滤饼,随着主轴电机的旋转,在某个区域经过干燥后到达反吹落料区,滤饼落到刮板输送机上,由输送机把滤饼收集到排料装置的缓冲舱,从而进入排料过程,由排料系统把精煤排出舱外。如此按照以上的过程连续运行,整个脱水过程自动完成。 本论文就是针对加压过滤机的上述工作过程设计出的一套加压过滤机自动运行的控制系统。通过选择合适的控制器和控制算法进而使加压过滤机连续自动的进行批量生产。 关键词:选煤设备,加压过滤机,自动控制,PLC Abstract ABSTRACT A large, efficient, durable coal preparation equipment modernization has become an indispensable part of coal mineral resources. Whether the coking coal or coal, must undertake washing or screening. Pressure filter is essentially a disc type vacuum filter in a sealed the cylindrical cabin pressure, driven by vacuum filter instead of filtering compressed air of a kind of solid-liquid separation equipment. In pressure filter internal blanking position of scraper conveyors, have under pressure storage lower in discharging device, with the coal water mixture filtered by feeding pump to pressurized warehouse internal liquid trough of groove, stay level gets to begin setting spindle motor to undertake dehydration homework. Pressurized warehouse internal blunt as certain pressure in the compressed air filter plate, with connected by distributing the formation water separator, atmospheric pressure in poor, so Pressurized warehouse internal pressure within the increment function, the liquid through dipped into the coal water mixture, and plant filter medium exclude was collected particle filter medium surface formation filter cake, with spindle motor rotation, in a certain region after drying arrives after counter blowing blanking area,


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