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学校代码:_ _ 11059__ _ 学 号: 0914012003 Hefei University 毕业论文(设计) BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目: 基于顾客需求的商务酒店个性化服务研究 ——以合肥为例 学位类别:______ 管 理 学 学 士___ _ ___ 学科专业: 旅 游 管 理 作者姓名: 丁 鹏 飞 导师姓名:_______ _ __ 唐 岭_ __ _ ___ 完成时间:________ 2013-04-30___ __ _____ _ 基于顾客需求的商务酒店个性化服务研究 ——以合肥为例 中文摘要 现在酒店竞争异常激烈,酒店要在竞争中处于不败之地,跻身于先进的行列,仅仅提供规范化的、标准化的服务是远远不够的,除了向客人提供标准化的服务、满足客人的普遍需求外,还应该针对客人的各种特殊的需求提供一种个性化服务,或超值服务,从而使客人的独特个性得以施展,获得心理上和精神上的满足和愉悦,给客人带来一种超值享受。个性化服务在商务酒店中越来越流行,本文以合肥市的商务酒店为例,对商务酒店的个性化服务发展历程和发展现状进行了探讨。另外还探讨了目前个性化服务在酒店中的运用情况,以及在运用过程中存在的问题。通过自身实践和调查研究,针对合肥商务酒店的个性化服务问题,以及商务客人的需求特征,在此基础上提出了自己的解决对策。 关键词:顾客需求;商务酒店;个性化服务 Study on the Personalized service of business hotels based on customer demand ——A case study of Hefei ABSTRACT The hotel competition is fierce now, if the hotel want to be in an invincible position in the competition, among the ranks of the state-of-the-art, just providing a standardized, standardized services is not enough, in addition to provide the standardized services to meet guests generally demand, it is slao indispensible to provide a personalized service for guests special needs or premium services, make them acquiring the satisfaction on psychological and spiritual.satisfaction and bring a kind of Value enjoyment. The personalized service is becoming more and more popular in the business hotel, Hotel personalized service development process and development status are discussed in this article, In this article I take Hefei Hotel as an example. I’m also explored the use of personalized service in the hotel, as well as the problems in the process of applying. Through my practi


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