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母亲节赞美母亲的英文散文诗(带翻译) When the sun put into a piece of golden wheat at Brush Mother Your birthday party will be at harvest in the Concerto Schedule This loess is Gods special cake for you Will be with you everywhere candlelight sickle Folded, cut down I told you at the candlelight fall behind Very satisfied with your smile This is the 凯立德升级[]only permit you to my birthday the way you In fact, what I would like to say Or even a word A word or Such as bending your bow still big grain of sweat Such as the ejection of blood into the setting sun behind Finally can be put in the breakdown of any high-sounding Sickle announced break I want to finally have the opportunity to speak out for your phrase has long been suppressed, then the First you have to sweat Asleep 当太阳把麦穗刷成一片金黄时 母亲 您的生日宴会 又将在收割的协奏曲中 如期进行 这片黄土是上苍为您特制的蛋糕 你用镰刀 将遍地的烛光 割倒 叠起 我跟在您的身后恩平论坛[] 拾捡遗落的烛光 您很满意的笑 这是您唯一允许我为您祝寿的方式 其实我很想说些什么 哪怕 一句话也好 一个字 也好 您依旧弯腰如弓 大粒的汗珠 弹射成身后 夕阳如血 终于 在那把可以击穿任何冠冕堂皇的 镰刀 宣布休息时 我想终于有机会为您讲出 那句压抑已久的话了 而您 却枕着一地汗珠 睡着了


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