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旅游对民俗文化的影响研究毕业论文 毕业论文 (20_ _届) 旅游对民俗文化的影响研究 摘 要 当前旅游业被称为“区域振兴的龙头产业”、“无污染工业”,使人们对这一行业的发展勾勒出了极为美妙的前景。可是,面对着旅游开发带来的经济复兴和地区繁荣昌盛的同时,人们不得不忍受随之而来的各种不协和矛盾。因此,旅游影响的研究越来越受到了人们的重视,尤其是旅游的民俗文化影响。 本文研究探讨了旅游对民俗文化影响这一问题的时代背景及研究意义,分析和总结了国内外相关文献资料,在此基础上,结合国内外的相关理论研究成果,运用旅游地理学、社会学、文化人类学等理论与方法,阐述了对旅游社会民俗影响的认知;探讨了旅游对民俗文化影响研究的主要理论??发展阶段理论、涵化理论、社会交换理论;以西塘古镇为实例,分析总结了旅游对西塘古镇本身以及居民所造成的社会影响;在此基础上,找出处理民俗文化与现代旅游之间矛盾的方法,为其他地区旅游开发及对当地民俗文化的保护提供一些切实可行的依据。同时让游客和目的地居民认识到保护民俗文化的重要性,让民俗文化资源更好的为旅游服务。 关键词: 西塘;当地居民;民俗文化;影响;措施 Abstract The tourism, which is called the main item industry of the region promotion”, nonpolluting industry, causes the people to outline the extremely wonderful prospects of the tourism development. However, facing the economical promotion and the area prospers brought by the tourism development; the people have to endure many kinds of discomfort and contradictory. Therefore, the research of tourism impacts has called more and more peoples attention, especially the social-culture impacts of tourism. This paper discusses the background of times and the significance of the researches on the socio-cultural impacts of tourism on destination. By analyzing and summing up the significant internal and external achievements and on the basis of some principal theories and methods of geography of tourism, sociology and cultural anthropology, the author explains the definition of the socio-cultural impacts of tourism on destination, discusses the theory of tourism developing stage, acculturation theory and social exchange theory, and analyzing socio-cultural impacts caused by the tourism on the local residents. Whats more, the article puts forward the readjustment policies for socio-cultural impacts of tourism. Keywords: Xi Tang; local residents; social and cultural; impact; measures 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究的意义和目标 1 1.2 研究理论基础 1 1.2.1 旅游与民俗文化 2 1.2.2 国内外相关理论研究 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.3.1 查找文献资料 3 1.3.2 访谈法 3 2 旅游对当地民俗文化的影响分析 4 2.1旅游开发对民俗文化的正面影响 4 2.1.


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