闽教版四年级下册Unit 6 Weather Part A教案.doc

闽教版四年级下册Unit 6 Weather Part A教案.doc

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闽教版(新版)四年级下册Unit 6 Weather Part A教案 执教者:城厢区第二实验小学 吴秀香 教学目标 1.能听、说、读、写单词weather warm cold coat snow,rain。 2.能听、说、读句型How is the weather in...? It’s... . What do you wear? I wear... . 3.能用所学句型询问各地的天气情况。 4. 培养学生学会关注天气,合理着装。 5. 通过学习,培养学生良好的人际交往与合作的能力。 教学重点 认读并运用所学的单词和句型进行日常交际。 教学难点 单词weather、cold、coat的发音。 教具准备 1、教学课件。 2、单词卡片。 3、“想象之旅”、“对话脱口秀”的对话卡片。 4、教学光盘。 教学过程: 一、创设情境导入 1、播放天气预报音乐迎接学生入场。 2、师生问好。 3、Enjoy a song 《How is the weather》. 4、揭示课题:Weather T : This song is about weather. Today we are going to talk about the weather. Unit 6 Part A How is the weather?. (操练weather.注意发音) (设计意图:用一个富有艺术性的开端,可以使学生自然地进入学习新知识的情境,并能激发学生学习情感,兴趣和求知欲望,使学生乐于学习。) 二、Presentation 结合实际教授单词warm、cold和句型What do you wear ? I wear…. T: How is the weather today? Is it cold? No, it’s warm . (借助肢体语言操练warm、cold,注意发音)(板书) T: How is the weather in Hanjiang ?(板书) Ss: It’s warm. T: It’s warm. And I wear a sweater. Who wears a sweater? stand up, please. You can say : I wear a sweater. S1:I wear a sweater. …… T: Do you wear a sweater? S2: No.I wear a …. T: I wear a coat.重复几遍,让学生明白意思。 (操练coat注意发音) T:I wear a sweater.(板书) What do you wear? (板书) (师生操练-开火车操练) (设计意图:学习要生活化,要融入生活。借助现实的天气情况自然地环环相扣,层层递进地学习单词warm、cold及句型What do you wear ? I wear…. 通过对比coat 、cold 的发音,突破本课的教学难点。) 2、教授单词snow, rain,及句型How is the weather in…? (1)Play a game:头脑风暴。(课件快闪几个城市的气象图、温度,让学生抢答出刚才几个城市的天气及着装,既而学习It’s snowing. It’s raining.) (2)、课件出示课文图片 T: Look at the pictures on the screen. Who are they? Ss: They are Sally and Sally’s dad. T: What are they doing? Ss:打电话。 T: Where’s Sally’s dad? Ss: Hes in Beijing. T:How is the weather in Beijing? Ss: Its snowing.在下雪。 以同样方法教学raining. T:Now listen to the tape and check your answers. T :How is the weather in Beijing/in Fuzhou? Ss : Its snowing./ Its raining. T:Now listen again and fill in the blanks. Sally is in ___ . It’s ___. She wears _____ . Sally’s father is in ___ . It’s __. He wears___ . (设计意图:头脑风暴活动,不仅能活跃


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