糖尿病酮症酸中毒病人的护理查房 .PPT

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3、住院期间常规化验指标(23/8-12/9) 3、住院期间常规化验指标 3、住院期间常规化验指标 诊断 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 泌尿系统感染 护理问题 1.低效性呼吸型态的改变:(深快呼吸、烂苹果味)与酮症酸中毒有关。 2.有并发低血糖的危险:与持续微量泵静脉推注胰岛素有关。 3.感染:与泌尿系统感染有关。 4.电解质紊乱:与多尿有关。 5.营养失调:与机体抵抗力下降,与胰岛素分泌不足有关。 6.潜在皮肤完整性受损的危险:与机体抵抗力、营养失调有关。 7.焦虑:与对治疗的方式方法相对不认可有关。 ADD YOUR TITLE HERE 两路补液 小剂量胰岛素治疗 监测生命体征、血糖,记录尿量 留取中段尿送检,检测尿酮 1.低效性呼吸型态的改变:深快呼吸、烂苹果味。 应用抗生素控制感染,消除诱因 既能有效抑制酮体生成,又能避免血糖、血钾、血浆渗透压降低过快带来的各种危险。 小剂量胰岛素治疗: 胰岛素使用情况 储药器室 按键 屏幕 电池室 管路连接 储药器窗口 胰岛素泵外观 7.2 1:31 3 Hour 上一次血糖读数时间 血糖图谱类别 血糖读数 - 低血糖目标值 - 高血糖目标值 趋势箭头 高低血糖设置 探头信号 1.1to 2.2 mmol/L/20min 2.2 mmol/L/20min 屏幕显示(3小时趋势图) * 请看完动画,按照顺序讲课 第18张 [This is a build slide that allows the presenter to explain each component of the sensor graph and is intended to ensure that the audience fully understands how to read the symbols and information provided on the ] Notes: Reading the details contained on the CGM Sensor screen is next. If the pump is detecting a signal there will be an antenna – the antenna is black. If the pump is not detecting a signal, it will show an antenna with a black circle around it. It should look like this. If it looks like this it means the pump either has a poor signal or no signal at all. When a patient looks at a sensor graph they can see their last 5 minute glucose reading – which is shown as 129 here - and they can see the time the glucose reading was updated– which was 1:31pm. They can also see that their glucose appears to be fairly stable – and that there are no UP or DOWN arrows – The tracing on their glucose indicates that their glucose has been within range for the last 3 hours. These two line are the high and low glucose limits that are set – You and the patient choose what these limits should be - and these are trend arrows. Trend arrows are displayed if the glucose is changing rapidly. A single trend arrow indicates that the glucose has increased or decreased 1 to 2 mg/dL/ minutes over the last 20 minutes, and two trend arrows indicate that the glucose has increased or decrea


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