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苏格拉底式拷问法 Socratic questioning is a discussion: 1) led by a person who does nothing but ask questions, 2) that is systematic and disciplined, 3) wherein the leader directs the discussion by the questions he/she asks, 4) wherein everyone participating is helped to go beneath the surface of what is being discussed, to probe into the complexities of one or more fundamental ideas or questions. * Student/instructor-led discussion (Socratic questioning checklist) --Keeping participants focused on the elements of thought --Keeping participants focused on systems for thought * One-system: knowledge (correct answer) * No-system: opinion (preference) * Conflicting systems: judgment (better or worse answers) * --Keeping participants focused on standards for thought --Keeping participants actively engaged in the discussion * Socratic dialog on the concept of cooperation --What does it mean to cooperate? --Can you think of a time you cooperated? Explain. --Can any one think of a time when you did not cooperate? * --Should you cooperate with your parents? If so, why? -- Should you cooperate with your teachers? If so, why? -- Should you cooperate with your friends? If so, why? --Should you always cooperate? --When should you? * --When should you not? --When people want you to go along with something that you think is wrong, should you cooperate? --What if people call your names if you refuse to cooperate, should you cooperate then? * --What would be the world like if no one ever cooperated with each other? --What would it be like if everyone always cooperated? --Are any problems created when people cooperate with one another? * “Do not block the way of enquiry.” (Peirce) 如何界定思辨英语教学? 思辨英语教学与传统英语教学有何区别? 思辨英语教学的目的是什么? 思辨英语教学有哪些有效策略? 思辨英语教学是否会削弱学生的英语能力? 思辨英语教学面临哪些困难和挑战? 如何成为合格的思辨英语教师? …… * 好书推荐 Paul Elder主编:《思想者指南》丛书(Thinker’s Guide Series) 孙有中主编:《英语教育与思辨能力培养论丛》 Ron Ritchhart:《哈佛大学教育学院思维训练课:让学生学会思考的20个方法》(Making Thinking Visible) * 落实国家标准,以能力培养为导向,全面提升技能课程教学质量 *


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