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肠内营养研究热点 滋养性与低热卡喂养能否改善患者预后 危重症病人给予低剂量EN 能否带来益处 加入特殊营养物质是否有益 。。。。。。 * 2013年加拿大危重症营养实践指南新增10条推荐意见 滋养性喂养(trophic feeding ) 胃残留量 早期与晚期肠外营养 补充鱼油 肠内营养和肠外营养联合补充谷氨酰胺 最佳的血糖控制 维生素D ……… * 滋养的概念 滋养:供给养分 给什么? 给多少? * * 滋养的概念 滋养(狭义):hypocaloric feeding; Baseline characteristics trophic-feeding 重症患者的胃肠道功能障碍发生率高,很多学者都提出肠内滋养性营养的理念。 Rice TW,Wheeler AP,Thompson BT,et al.Initial trophic vs full enteral feeding in patients with acute lung injury:the EDEN randomized trial.JAMA,2012,307:795-803 * Rice TW,Wheeler AP,Thompson BT,et al.Initial trophic vs full enteral feeding in patients with acute lung injury:the EDEN randomized trial.JAMA,2012,307:795-803 Although there is no agreement on a standard definition of “trophic feeding” or permissive underfeeding, we chose to provide approximately one-quarter of estimated total caloric needs based on studies in animals and low-birth-weight infants,15,23–25 expert review by an independent protocol review committee, and our assessment of the feasibility of conducting hypocaloric feeding in a clinical context. Providing approximately 25% of goal feeding clearly resulted in less group separation than would have occurred with a “no feeding” comparator. We did not believe it feasible to have a group receiving no feeding at all, even though previous studies of usual practice indicate that many critically ill patients receive no enteral nutrition for many days * 低热量营养支持可能有益 1994年,美国Bowman Gray学院的Zaloga首先提出了允许性摄入不足(permissive underfeeding)的概念 理论:短期的营养摄入不足将限制病理状态的过程,减少对器官功能的损害。重症患者能否顺利的存活依赖于有益的或有害的细胞过程之间的平衡状态。 Zaloga GP.Roberts P. Permissive uderfeeding. New Horiz,1994,(2):257-263 * 滋养 局部:滋养对肠道的益处 全身:对疾病状态的影响 * * * 滋养前(短肽) 滋养后(短肽) * 主张 If the gut works, use it. 这种利用并非是让胃肠道“竭泽而渔”式地为其他器官组织摄取吸收能量热卡,以至于其最终“筋疲力尽”而功能衰竭; 肠内营养的目的首先是让胃肠道粘膜上皮 细胞以及粘膜下和肠系膜的淋巴细胞得到营养和修复,使得肠道的正常菌群得以恢复生长,保护调理其强大的免疫屏障功能。 * 肠内营养“既喂人,又喂菌”,而且只有肠道正常定植菌恢复,肠粘膜屏障才可能改善,免疫功能才能维系,因而“喂菌”先于“喂人”不必追求迅速达到全量热卡的目标,一定是循序渐进的。 * 大样本、多中心、随机对照研究 急性肺损伤患者,早期低量与早期全量 肠内营养的随机对照试验 * 研究概况 美国国家心、肺和血液研究所ARDS临床


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