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第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 19 页 ××知识型员工流失原因及对策分析 摘要 在当今知识经济时代,科技飞速发展,竞争日益激烈,技术成为决定一个国家或企业是否具有核心竞争力的最重要因素。而技术创新的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争,知识型员工作为掌握科学技术知识的人才,日益成为各高新技术企业争夺的对象。知识型员工凭借掌握着先进的文化知识,在企业中处于创造知识、利用知识、使知识增值的重要地位,因而成为了企业核心竞争力形成和发展的关键,知识型员工的管理成为企业人力资源管理的重点。如何减少本企业知识型员工的流失,降低流失风险成为我国企业管理者所要关注的一大课题。 对于知识型员工的激励,应当根据知识型员工的人力资本特征设计制度安排激励,并从知识型员工的特点和需求特征出发探讨如何对其进行管理层次上的激励。坚持以人为本的管理原则,在企业和知识型员工之间建立起牢不可破的契约关系,设计出科学、合理、有效的知识型员工激励机制,使知识型员工愿意为企业与自身的发展竭尽全力的工作,从而实现企业与知识型员工的共同目标。 本文主要从企业知识型人才流失的特点、原因和现状等方面进行较为全面的分析,从中总结影响其流失的原因,并提出较为可行的对策。 关键词:知识型员工;流失原因;对策分析 STUDY ON THE CAUSE AND SOLUTION OF THE KNOWLEDGE WORKER RESIGNATION ABSTRACT As knowledge economy development rapidly, Knowledge workers have become the most valuable workers. At this time, how to win the eras that rely on advanced technology and innovation, and knowledge worker plays the more and more important role. Knowledge worker is a key factor for the enterprise to win fierce competition. At the same time, themselves with the pursuit of career and choices of a variety of features, as well as the development of economic globalization, the knowledge workers in the global flow increasingly and frequently. The middle and mini sized high-tech enterprises faces huge pressure of talent competition because of economic globalization. Through surveys and analysis, I find three factors of resignation workers: the subjective reason is the self nature of knowledge worker; the direct reason is the management of the company; the object reason is the industry environment. Second, establish the risk prevention mechanism of knowledge workers; Third, create a suitable knowledge-based office of a good environment for employees; Fourth, the establishment of incentive systems; Fifth, the establishment of mechanisms for the development of knowledge workers. Key words: Knowledge worker; cause of resignation; solution of resignation 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1 知识型员工的定义 4 1.2 国外对知识型员工流失的研究现状 4


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