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毕业设计:100万人口城市给水厂设计 摘要 PAGE 68 PAGE 67 摘要 随着城市化加剧,人口的增长和经济的发展,现有给水厂不能满足城市生活用水和工业用水的需求,新建给水厂势在必行。 该水厂的规模为100万城市人口给水厂。考虑水厂安全运行,该设计的主要构筑物均设有两组。 整个工程包括净水工程和输水工程两部分。净水工程工艺流程如下: 源水→取水泵站→混凝→沉淀→过滤→消毒→清水池→二泵站→管网。 本设计通过三种不同的净水工艺流程的技术与经济比较,确定最佳的净水工艺流程方案。 关键词:水厂工艺 V型滤池 折板絮凝池 水厂布置 Abstract Owing to the ever fastening urbanization process, the continuously increasing population, and the rapid economic development, the existing water factories are far from satisfaction to meet water demands in households and for industrial use. Therefore, to set up a more advanced water factory is imperative. The water factory herein is designed to supply water for a city with about one million people. To guarantee the water factory to operate safe and sound, two groups of the main structures are designed. The whole project is comprised of two parts, i.e. water purification, and water conveyance. The purification process is as follow: Source water → Raw water pumping station processing→ Coagulation → Precipitation → Filtration → Disinfection → Water tank cleaning → Second pumping station processing → Conveying to the pipe net Through the comparison among three different water purification processes, taking economy factor into consideration, this article tries to come up with a relatively better water purification plan. Key words: Water factory process V-type filter Baffleplate flocculating tank Water factory layout. 目录 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 I Abstract II 第一章 概述 1 1.1 城市概况 1 1.1.1自然条件 1 1.1.2城市建设规划 3 1.2工程设计 4 1.2.1设计任务 4 1.2.2 设计内容 4 第二章 设计水量 5 2.1用水量计算 5 2.1.1用水量定额 5 2.1.2各项用水量计算 5 2.2最高日用水量 7 2.3 净水厂的设计流量 7 第三章 给水工程设计方案比较 8 3.1 净水工艺的确定 8 3.2.净水构筑物选型 10 3.2.1混合技术 10 3.2.2絮凝反应 11 3.2.3沉淀池 12 3.2.4过滤 12 3.2.5絮凝剂 14 3.2.6消毒杀菌技术和水的深度处理 15 第四章 混凝设施 17 4.1给水厂处理规模及流程 17 4.1.1给水处理厂的设计规模 17 4.1.2处理工艺流程的选择 17 4.2混凝设施 17 4.2.1药剂选择 17 4.2.2药剂配制及投加方式的选择 17 4.2.3鼓风机 18 4.2.4投药泵 19 4.2.5药剂仓库 19 4.


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