北京市某低温热水地板辐射采暖工程设计 毕业设计.doc

北京市某低温热水地板辐射采暖工程设计 毕业设计.doc

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PAGE LXXIV PAGE LXXIV 北京市某低温热水地板辐射采暖工程设计 Beijing Low temperature hot water floor radiant Engineering Design 届 系 专 业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 摘 要 本设计主要是对北京市某住在楼进行低温热水地板辐射采暖的系统设计。 该建筑物共二十层,建筑面积为9607m2,建筑总高60m,层高3m,由于建筑高度高于50m,对建筑在垂直方向上分为高低两个区。设计主要任务对低温热水地板辐射采暖国内外现状,总负荷为472kW,由于地板辐射采暖室内实感温度高于设计温度,所以计算时将所得结果取95%,以满足节能要求。在管道铺设方面,选择了交聚乙烯管道双回形铺设方式,在各户安装温控阀和热计量表,对各用户进行温度控制热盒分户计量。对管网进行水力计算确定管径,根据供热管网的水力计算结果选择用户系统与供热管网的连接方式及用户入口装置,确定换热站的热力计算和设备选型等。 本设计所用外网热力热水,外网所提供95/75℃热水。在住宅楼的东面建一所换热站,换热后供回水温度40/30℃,换热站设备包括换热器、循环水泵、补水泵、除污器等,采暖补水为软化水,定压采用补水泵变频定压形式,采暖水温要求自动控制。换热站内设备要达到结构紧凑,布局合理,经济耐用的要求。最后绘制施工图。 关键词:地板辐射采暖 换热站 分户计量 集中供暖 Abstract This design is mainly to the Beijing one living in low temperature hot water on floor radiant floor heating system design. The building 20 layer, the building area of 9607 m2, building total height 60 m, the layer is 3 m, because building height above 50 m, the architecture in vertical direction into high and low two area. The design of the main task of low temperature hot water floor radiant heating situation at home and abroad, and the total load for 472 kW, because floor radiant heating indoor design temperature higher than those temperature, so will the results calculated from 95%, in order to meet the energy requirements. In the pipeline, choose the PE pipe into the double form laid means, in each installation temperature control valve and heat meter, the user to temperature control hot box of household metering. The hydraulic calculation of pipe networks to determine diameter, according to the heating network hydraulic calculation results select users system and heating network connections and user entrance device, determine the heat exchanger station thermodynamic calculation a The design of the network used thermal hot water, the nets provided 95/75 ℃ hot water. On the east side of the building to build a heat exchanger station, heat supply and return water temperature afte


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