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北方民族大学 基于小波的信号去噪及图象阀值去噪 北方民族大学 学士学位论文 论文题目: 基于小波的信号去噪及图像阀值去噪 院(部)名 称: 电器信息工程学院 学 生 姓 名: 专 业: 信息工程 学 号: 指导教师姓名: 论文提交时间: 论文答辩时间: 学位授予时间: 北方民族大学教务处制 中文摘要 信号与信息处理是信息科学中近二十年来发展最为迅速的学科之一,信号处理主要包括信号去噪、特征提取、边缘提取。信号去噪是信号处理中最为常见的,经典的信号去噪方法如纯时域法、纯频域法、Fourier变换、加窗Fourier变换等各自有其应用的局限性。小波变换是20世纪年80代发展起来的一种新的时频联合分析方法,它在时域和频域都具有良好的局部化特性,在信号去噪中小波变换得到了广泛的应用。 本文对基于小波的信号去噪方法进行了深入分析和研究,本文研究的重点是基于阀值的小波信号去噪方法。主要工作如下: 首先,介绍了小波变换的基本理论,分析了其特点,并介绍了实际工程运用中常用到的小波函数。 其次,在上述小波理论的基础上,讨论了基于小波变换的阀值去噪方法。 最后,文中分析了利用各种小波函数去噪后的结果,并从中选出了最优的去噪函数。 关键词:信号去噪, 小波变换 Abstrct Signal and information processing is one of the most rapidly developed subject in the field of information science in recent twenty years. The signal processing mainly included signal denoising, character abstracting and border abstracting. Signal denoising is to be the most common in the signal processing, the classical signal denoiing method such as the pure time domain method, the pure frequency region method, fourie transform method, the window fourier transform method. But these methods all have limitation in the real application, the wavelet transform is new development unite time domain with frequency region analysis method in 1980’s. and it all has well localization characteristic property in time domain and frequency region. This article to has carried on the thorough analysis and the research based on the wavelet signal denoising method, this article studies the key point is based on the valve value wavelet signal denoising method. The prime task is as follows: First of all, in the text the basic theory of wavelets transform is introduc


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