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内蒙古工业大学毕业设计论文 PAGE 学校代码: 10128学 号: 041222038 学校代码: 10128 学 号: 041222038 SKIPIF 1 0 专科毕业论文 ( 题 目: 题 目:汽轮机高压加热器运行中存在问题分析 学生姓名:扈娟 学 院:电力学院 系 别:能源与动力工程 专 业:热能与动力工程 班 级:动专2004② 指导教师:宋长忠 副教授 二 〇 〇 七 年 六 月 摘 要 高压加热器是给水回热系统的重要设备,其性能和运行的可靠性直接影响机组的经济性和安全性。 本文首先阐述了给水高压加热器在火电厂中的重要作用,简单介绍了高压加热器的结构和工作原理,对高压加热器在运行中暴露的问题进行的深入分析,结合高压加热器的结构和系统的布置介绍了高加本体、附件及系统的常见故障,并介绍了高加设备及系统故障诊断方法和具体措施。指出了高加泄漏及疏水管振动对机组经济性安全性的影响,详细介绍了高加泄漏和疏水管振动的原因、危害、及处理措施。分析了高加运行中存在的问题对给水温度的影响,阐述了高加运行对温度变化控制及疏水水位控制的重要性。 本文最后从高加启停方式、高加自动保护、高加疏水系统改造、高加运行中的监视和运行方式的改变及高加的维护检修五个方面提出了高加优化运行的措施。 关键词:高压加热器;故障诊断;优化运行 Abstract The high-pressured heater is for the water regeneration system important equipment, its performance and movement reliable direct influence units efficiency and security. First elaborated for the water high pressure heater in thermoelectric power station vital role, introduced simply the thorough analysis which in the movement the high-pressured heater structure and the principle of work, which exposes the question carry on to the high-pressured heater, unified the high-pressured heater the structure and the system arrangement introduced the high-pressured heater main body, the appendix and the system common breakdown , and introduced the high-pressured heater equipment and the system failure diagnosis method and the specific measures. Had pointed out the high-pressured heater divulging and the drain pipe vibration to the unit efficiency secure influence, introduced the high-pressured heater divulging and the drain pipe vibration reason, the harm in detail, and processing measure. Analyzed the question which in the high-pressured heater movement existed to give the water temperature the influence, elaborated the high-pressured heater movement to the temperature change control and the sparse water monitor importance. Finally stopped the way, the high-pressured heater automatic protection, the high-pressured heater spars


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