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温州大学本科毕业论文 山药饮料的开发 PAGE 1 - 山药饮料的开发 摘 要:本文主要研究山药饮料的开发及其工艺流程。首先确定山药淀粉酶水解工艺条件,温度,原汁山药用量,酶的用量,酶解时间,酶解pH 5个因素进行单因素多水平实验,以沉淀率为评价标准。取温度,原汁,酶的用量,酶解pH进行L9(34)正交实验,筛选出最佳酶解工艺条件。然后再利用均匀设计实验法来确定复合稳定剂的最佳调配比,因素分为卡拉胶,向上胶,海藻酸钠,瓜尔胶的用量。最后用感官评定饮料的色泽,滋味,香味,甜度,酸度和粘度得出山药饮料的最佳配方。 关键词:山药; 酶法水解; 正交实验; 均匀设计法; 感官评定 Development of the Chinese Yam Beverage Author:Ye qing gang Supervisor: Wu xiangting Associate Professor (School of Life Environmental Science, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, 325027) Abstract: This paper mainly studies the development and process flow of yam beverage. First, make sure the conditions of the yam amylase hydrolysis process: temperature, the amount of yam juice , enzyme level, reaction time and hydrolysis PH. The above-mentioned factors are used in the multi-level single factor experiments. And the \o 查找: evaluation criterion evaluation criterion is deposit rate . Temperature, the amount of yam juice , enzyme level and hydrolysis pH are used in the L9 (34) orthogonal experiment to select the optimal the conditions of the yam amylase hydrolysis process. Then, use uniform design method to determine the best deployment of composite stabilizer . The factors are different dosages of carrageenan , up gum, sodium alginate and guar gum. Finally , in order to get the best prescription of yam beverage, the method is using sense to evaluate the color, taste, flavor, sweetness, acidity, and viscosity of the beverage. Key words: Yam enzymatic hydrolysis orthogonal experiment uniform design sensory evaluation 前言 山药(Rhizom a D ioscoreae) 为薯蓣科植物薯蓣( D. oppositaThunb.) 的块茎, 属多年生缠绕草本植物。原名薯蓣, 又称怀山药、淮山药、淮山、薯药、玉芋等。山药是我国最大众化的传统保健食品之一, 我国山药栽培历史悠久, 自夏、商起就开始种植, 明清以来逐渐形成道地药材。 浙江作为山药原产地之一,栽培历史悠久,据宋代医术《图经草本》(1061年)记载“薯蓣,今处处有之,一杯都,四明者最佳,四明即现在浙江四明山地区。山药地方品种繁多,如瑞安的红薯,黄岩的薯药,黄岩的紫莳药温州的太湖莳药,江山干八都的山药和湖州的太湖山药等。 山药其性味甘平, 归脾、肺、肾经, 主要功效是: 益气养阴、补脾肺肾。历代古书对山药的平补作用均有记载。《本草纲目》云:“山药性温味甘平无毒、健脾胃、益肺肾、止泄痢,化痰涎, 润皮毛”。据


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