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基于服务管理的汽车4S店管理模式与平面设计 盐城工学院本科生毕业论文 2012 毕业论文 基于服务管理的汽车4S店管理模式与平面设计 专 业 汽车服务工程 学生姓名 班 级 学 号 指导教师 完成日期 基于服务管理的汽车4S店管理模式与平面设计 摘 要:近年来,我国汽车工业迅速发展,汽车保有量也大幅增加,达到了3800万辆。庞大的汽车保有量和快速的汽车销售增长,为汽车服务业的发展提供了巨大的成长空间。传统的汽车销售服务业,也正受到国际流行的汽车4S店的冲击。随着人们消费心理的成熟,用户对产品、服务的要求越来越高。如何在这么激烈的市场竞争中获得立足和发展是现代汽车4S店面临的主要问题。 作为汽车主流销售模式的汽车4S店经过几年的辉煌和“井喷”式的发展之后,进入了调整期,利润大幅减少,竞争更加激烈,甚至有的品牌汽车4S店出现了危机。集各种矛盾、压力于一身的汽车4S店正面临激烈的竞争和前所未有的生存挑战,疲态尽显,有的甚至倒闭歇业。要想使汽车4S店一路走好,就要正确认识现状。首先对汽车销售服务管理体系的国内外现状进行分析,得出中国汽车销售服务市场在相当长的时间内,将是以汽车4S店为主流销售模式,同时还会有遍布全国城乡的维修网点存在,二者长期并存、互相竞争、互为补充。再对汽车4S店的国内外现状进行分析。最后从服务管理的角度进行分析改善经营管理水平、增强市场竞争力。并希望应用服务管理理论方法树立品牌意识,通过降低成本、提高服务等方式,使汽车4S店实现厂商双赢,再续辉煌。 关键词:汽车4S店;服务管理;管理模式 Based on the service management of automobile4S shop management and graphic design Abstract :In recent years, Chinas automobile industry developed rapidly, car ownership has increased significantly, reaching 38 million. The huge amount of car ownership and a fast car sales growth, provide a huge room for growth in the development of the automotive service industry. The traditional car sales services, are subject to the impact of the international popular auto 4S shops. With the maturity of the peoples consumer psychology, the requirements of the users of the products, services. How such a fierce competition in the market based development is the main problem facing by the Hyundai Motor 4S shop. After several years of brilliant and a blowout type of development as the automotive mainstream auto 4S shops sales model, has entered a period of adjustment, a substantial reduction in profits, more competitive, and even some brand auto 4S shops there is a crisis. Set all kinds of contradictions, the pressure in an auto 4S shops are facing intense competition and unprecedented survival challenges, filling tired, and some even closed down or suspended. To make the auto 4S shops all the way, it is necessary to a correct understanding of


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