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PAGE 摘 要 我国从二十世纪80年代开始市场经济的探索,经过20多年的发展,工业化进程已经取得了举世瞩目的成果。其中,制造业的发展尤为迅速,已经成为推动我国经济迅速发展的核心力量和支撑性行业。但是,制造业大而不强,仍然存在生产率低、浪费严重等现象。 工业工程作为一门减少浪费、降低成本、提高生产率的管理科学,已经被中国的很多企业验证了它的价值。尽管如此,我们也应该清醒地看到,我国的许多企业尤其是国有企业,虽然推行了工业工程的管理方法,但是在其实际应用中还存在着一定的盲目和不足,甚至处于一种华而不实的尴尬境地。 如何提高企业经济活动的运作效率,是眼下相当多的企业迫切需要思考的课题,提高流程的效率又是其中的关键。论文主要从理论的深化认识、实施的具体原则等必须关注的主要问题为出发点,应用程序分析理论对实践进行了指导深入研究。本文对程序分析理论进行了归纳、评述。从大连机车厂机五车间的生产管理现状出发,针对生产流程中出现的问题,对车间的生产管理流程提出了改进方案,并应用于生产实践。从而提高生产作业流程的运作效率。 关键词:程序分析 工业工程 改善 ABSTRACT Market economic started in china in the 1980s and industrialized progress has got the great results which attracted worldwide attention after twenty years of development. Among others, manufacturing industry has been the critical power furthering economic development and supporting industries. But, there is some failure in manufacturing industry, such as low productivity, serious waste. As a management science which raises productivity, reduces waste and reduces cost, industrial engineering has been playing the important role in many enterprises and has brought about many changes in factory production. For all this, we noted objectively that though our enterprises, especially for nationalized enterprises, have carried out industrial engineering,blindness and insufficient is showed for the purpose at hand and industrial engineering is even in a gimcrack position. How to improve a firms economic efficiency is an issue that most enterprises are eager to resolve, and the improving of process is the key. This thesis primarily focuses on the theoretical aspect of program analysis followed by a practical application of the principles which concludes by examining the relevant elements so as to gain an in depth understanding. This thesis concludes and comments on the program analysis. From the current management of the mechanical process of Dalian locomotive park machine five workshops , focusing on the difficulties in the production process, analyzing the distribution of machine


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