杭州房地产中介服务企业营销问题分析 毕业论文.doc

杭州房地产中介服务企业营销问题分析 毕业论文.doc

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PAGE PAGE 19 浙江财经学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 杭州房地产中介服务企业营销问题分析 ——以杭州公众房网为例 摘要:随着房地产市场的发展,房产需求越来越多样化,房地产中介服务业的竞争也越来越激烈,房地产中介服务企业在营销过程中通常会遇到各种各样的问题。本文通过实地调查与文献研究,以市场营销理论为基础,分析研究杭州房地产中介服务行业的营销现状,并以杭州公众房网为具体案例,分析发现杭州大多数房地产中介企业在营销过程中存在着营销策略单一、营销人员服务素质较低和管理不到位等问题。为了提高房地产中介企业的经营水平,扩大市场占有率,必须从加强企业管理、注重企业营销方式与策略的创新以及营销人才的培养等方面着手。? 关键词:房地产中介;市场营销;营销策略 Hangzhou Real estate intermediary service marketing problems and Strategy analysis --In the public FangWang, for example Abstract: With the development of the real estate market, real estate demand is more and more diversified,and real estate intermediary service industry is becoming more and more fierce competition,and real estate intermediary service enterprises that commonly encountered various problems in the marketing process. In this article, through field investigation and literature study, on the basis of marketing theory, analysis and study of hangzhou real estate intermediary service industry marketing situation, and in hangzhou public FangWang for specific case, analysis found that most of the hangzhou real estate intermediary enterprise in the marketing process there is a single marketing strategy, marketing personnel service quality is low and the management does not reach the designated position, etc. In order to improve the management level of real estate intermediary enterprises, expand market share, must strengthen enterprise management, pay attention to enterprise marketing methods and strategies of the cultivation of the innovation and marketing personnel and other aspects. Key words: real estate agent ;marketing ;the marketing strategy 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1引言 1 2综述 1 2.1房地产中介营销的相关理论 1 2.1.1市场营销策略理论 1 2.1.2房地产中介与市场营销 1 2.1.3房地产中介营销策略 2 2.2国内外研究概述 2 2.2.1国内研究现状 2 2.2.2国外研究现状 2 2.2.3综合评述 3 3杭州房地产中介服务企业营销现状 3 3.1公众房网的营销环境分析 3 3.2杭州主要房地产中介竞争对手分析 4 3.3杭州房地产中介服务企业营销现状 5 4案例分析:杭州公众房网营销问题分析 6 4.1杭州公众房网概况 6 4.2杭州公众房网营销模式分析 6 4.3杭州公众房网营销策略分析 7 4.3.1产品策略 7 4.3.2价格策


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